Do pheasants make a lot of noise?


Active Member
There are quite a few ring-necks here, plenty of corn to feed on. I hope to shoot a couple more before the end of the season (1.5 weeks)
Now, a golden pheasant? I'm gonna have to google that. Are they a game bird as well?


Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Mirriam Webster says....
Invasive (in·va·sive)
Pronunciation: -siv, -ziv
Function: adjective
Date: 1598
1: of, relating to, or characterized by military aggression
2: tending to spread ; especially : tending to invade healthy tissue <invasive cancer cells>
3: tending to infringe
4: involving entry into the living body (as by incision or by insertion of an instrument) <invasive diagnostic techniques>
What I think you're trying to say is that they're migrants, spreading aggressively.... right?
Lol, no way. I guess you've never heard of invasive species as in species that invaded another country? Those birds were in introduce here from China i believe.
in·va·sive [ in váyssiv ]
3. intruding: involving an intrusion or infringement, e.g. of somebody's privacy or rights

bang guy

Originally Posted by sickboy
There are quite a few ring-necks here, plenty of corn to feed on. I hope to shoot a couple more before the end of the season (1.5 weeks)
Now, a golden pheasant? I'm gonna have to google that. Are they a game bird as well?

I think it depends on the State. Here in NY they are under the same classification as Ring-Neck (Game Bird).

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by joe____17
Lol, no way. I guess you've never heard of invasive species as in species that invaded another country? Those birds were in introduce here from China i believe.
in·va·sive [ in váyssiv ]
3. intruding: involving an intrusion or infringement, e.g. of somebody's privacy or rights
Actually invasive applies to species which are introduced from another country and than begin to take over, displacing native species. Ring Necks are not an invasive species any where in the U.S. you are correct however in that they are an "introduced" species from China. Here in Wyoming they are raised by the Game and Fish in Bird Farms and released each spring because they cannot generally survive the rigors and hazards of our winters.
BTW Coral Keeper, Ring Necks are also pretty noisy.