Do you care?


Global Warming is no "drop in the bucket"! Tom Brokaw also narrated a piece on the subject entitled "Global Warming and what you need to know", caught it on the Science Channel(must see). Amazing how one fluorescent bulb can help, I've changed over quite a few from incandescent and we do drive cars that consume less gas(mine sits mostly). I was asked what I was doing about it, so I'll pass this on to my fellow members for consideration. I would also like to see more informative posts like this on our forum w/o the flaming and bashing! I wouldn't consider this site competition, so maybe this link will stay(I know a Mod that suggested a .org site, so I'm trying it), I'll guess we'll see. Thank you and please change one light bulb, even if you can't part w/ that oversized SUV.


Staff member
The "issue" of global warming, or not, is rather interesting on both sides of the issue. While there is compelling evidence to support global warming, there is also evidence that suggests that that warming is not necessarily due to human activity, but, rather simply the cyclical changes of the earth. For instance, 10,000 yrs ago, a period of "global warming" was followed by the last ice age. Obviously, there were no humans back then contributing to any "warming" from our pollution. The event took place as a natural componet of the earth's climate.
If we can actually keep the name calling and politics out of the debate, we might actually have a mature discussion on the issue. Whether human driven or not, warming of our earth will certainly impact life as we know it. The "fact" of whether we can stop it or not, remains to be seen, IMO.


Active Member
It does bother me.......but I feel unless "big business" across the WORLD gets on board we are all spinning our wheels. I use "those" light bulbs in the bigger rooms, recycle, conserve daily on my energy usuage (always have, don't want to pay big utility bills), I carpool, But I feel like its all or nothing. A perfect example is here in MO we have this ridiculous emissions testing for our cars. I sit in line for ever, every other year and pay dearly to have my vehicles tested. I head out on the highway........and low and behold every semi, dump truck, garbage truck spewing tons of emissions. Yet in years past my hushands 30 plus year old classic car that was driven less than 100 miles a year had to pass this so called emissions test. Its everyone !!!
:mad: :mad:


Originally Posted by coachKLM
I'll change a lightbulb just for you ... but you wont convince this family of 7 to part with my Expedition. :hilarious

Don't do it for me, do it for all of us and future generations. You know until I seen that show, I never thought of grandchildren, but they're coming one day. What will be here for them? Your talking to a guy that grew up building Model-T Roadsters, etc. in the old man's shop, believe me we were polluting the air w/ co2. I heard the world's problems then and tried to grow up responsible, but the same now as then, the problem is the whole world. Then the problem was nuclear holocaust. Hopefully by now all the "Higher Ups" know that is the worlds end, but not the only end we face. Now personally, I heard of theories of a major catastrophy from a asteroid, but truthfully I didn't know that it was that eminent. Good use for Nuclear if we need it, Martians might want to know whats going on, hope somebody would send them a z-mail. However I have always considered our planet "Mother Earth" to be Oceans, Mountains, and Fields are all in balance w/ all the creatures on it. AND to respect this. I hope if I've taught anything to my children, its that.
I wish the World's Oceans were as easy as everyone changing a light bulb, but thank for your support! I know I'm not the only one who has stood on a mountain and looked down on a city and seen the layers of smog hovering above. As a coast to coast truck driver for over 10 yrs, I could give you a list. I have seen commercialism at its core and the bi-product it produces. Everybody would be mighty upset if "she" just had a big ole' cough one day w/ no cure.
We all need to "aclimate" ourselves to new resources and conserve the ones we use now. My Astro seats 7 and has a 4.3 V6(Expeditions pass me all the time, I pass 'em when they stop at the pump), My Z28 has the 305 TPI(only seat 4) instead of the 350, I bought these w/ gas in mind way before $3.00pg, mostly for the mileage, but proper maintance is key to efficiency, just like our tanks and just like our Oceans, Mountains, and Fields! My family did teach me that. Thx, Guys! Nothing said that Generations before me haven't said. Just thought I'd remember it out loud. I know, I know back in my shell, I'm going.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I'm going from an Accord to a Wrangler...
I can't afford a fuel efficient car.
I know, I can't afford a hybrid, but if I could I would


Originally Posted by lovethesea
Yet in years past my hushands 30 plus year old classic car that was driven less than 100 miles a year had to pass this so called emissions test. Its everyone !!!
:mad: :mad:

Thats to funny :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by hardcrab67
I know, I can't afford a hybrid, but if I could I would

I definately would. I'm quite the environmentalist tree hugger.

37g joe

When we had the technology to see if thier was a hole in the ozone thier was already one thier is no proof that it was never thier. I do belive that polution can affect it but how much? What about the heating of Every home in the U.S. / cooling every home which creats more heat. Cars produce alot of heat also. all these heat sources creat one Giant heater but how much does that affect the worlds Tempeture I would like to know?


Active Member
I've upgraded to a more fuel ineffient car--I'm always contrain.
LOL.......does it really matter? Why is our generation so egocentric to believe that our deeds over the past, say 60 yrs, have contributed to any impact on the earth. I just don't see it.


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
When we had the technology to see if thier was a hole in the ozone thier was already one thier is no proof that it was never thier. I do belive that polution can affect it but how much? What about the heating of Every home in the U.S. / cooling every home which creats more heat. Cars produce alot of heat also. all these heat sources creat one Giant heater but how much does that affect the worlds Tempeture I would like to know?
I have seen the clouds funneling up like an upside-down tornado, just vapor I guess, it wasn't as violent as a tornado, more suttle from were I was standing. Made me thankful that I at least worked for a company that kept their equipment up, even if fuel cost was their motive. Diesel engines have come a long way in technology to burn cleaner. I just wish stricter standards were enforced more fairly to everybody whose contributing.
With all the knowledge we possess, how can we deny that the co2 is definately rising and could possibly have an ill-effect. I was in residental construction for over 10yrs also and its amazing where all the wood comes from(hauled it in containers from all over the world). New technology in this field has come a long way, but it is no wonder we're running out of "filter". Doubt a tree hugger would talk to me, except to flame.
Course even "Mother Earth" needs to vent. Oceans temp/pH on the rise, Dead zones, Volcanic activity, more violent weather more often, I hope its a "cycle" we "fish" can survive, but if we can lessen the severity of this "cycle" w/ technology, we should definately give it our all. The world is taking measures and its going to have a price tag on it. But IMO, we'll be glad we paid it. Heck we've been around only a short time in the scheme of things. No need to rush it.
Here's a little test for you "Reefers". Quit adding Plankton to your reef and see how it reacts. While trying to lower the Trates in my tank, I discontinued adding all supplements, only feeding Cyclopees and what Formula 2 and mysis the corals would catch. In 2 weeks I have noticed that they are not as vibrant as before. Even w/ the increased wcs I believe Iodine should have been supplemented and I am switching over to the refridgerated plankton. But the lack of Phyto and Zoo supplements have definately showed some effect.
I'm not suggesting to actually do this, but what if you were to seal up your tank air tight. How long before the co2 levels rise to unaceptable levels where your livestock would perish?
I have always loved the water(I'm an Aquarius) and since getting into this hobby, have found an even deeper respect for the entire planet because after all its connected by Oceans, is it not. Isn't the World's Oceans 2/3 of the planet's mass and we're 80% water(long time since Sci 101). I saw a documentry on pollution and water, where a guy took pics of water molecules, under a microscope, subjected to different elements, and showed the molecules reaction to these elements. You could see the difference between clean water and not, it was as clear as night and day. I believe it was a Micheal Moore film, but not sure.
Whether its clean air, water, or dirt thats what was here before us and here to substain us. Why does it take 10 times the vegetable matter to achieve the same nutrients, that were in vegetables 50 yrs ago. Simple the dirt's nutrients aren't being replenished to the scale of countering whats being taken out. The World's ever growing population is consuming more than is being replenished in every respect and that is NOT just my opinion. I do recycle and honestly I can do more and will, I promise. Nothing makes me sicker than to see somebody pour their oil change on the ground and say "Well it came out of the ground, I'm just putting it back".


Who cares about the earth....we'll all just move to a new planet and start over....I'll keep driving my H2 and getting 10mpg....and just to screw mother nature a lil more I'm going to poop one more time a day! :hilarious

37g joe

I feel that the polution has more affect on cancer than the Ozone. What about all the magnetic fields that bombard us each day all the wiring in your house the computers that we are siting at as we write and read this thread. think how much electricity is around you.


Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Who cares about the earth....we'll all just move to a new planet and start over....I'll keep driving my H2 and getting 10mpg....and just to screw mother nature a lil more I'm going to poop one more time a day! :hilarious
Hope there is a new one, I personally think wearing a bubble around my head would be rather confining.
I've got a Suburban 350 4x4 no overdrive and a 14 bolt rear. I don't even get 10mpg w/ a trailer hooked to it much less loaded, but it's not my daily driver and doesn't leak or blow smoke. I doubt I put 2000 miles a yr on it, but necessary miles. Now in todays world Public trans just doesn't work for the majority, but the choices we make can help I believe. Maybe I'm more "user friendly" than a "tree hugger".


Active Member
When I was younger I though it was cool to have a huge gas guzzling vehicle, now I see it from more of a practical standpoint. Gas is over 3 bucks a gallon here and driving one of these things just dosent make economic sense to me when I can achieve the same results driving something more efficient. Probably loose a few cool points though but Id rather spend the money on a new fish instead of gasoline.


Active Member
Global warming isnt going to stop. As my science teacher says. Humans are stupid. I think so lol. Think that we made cars so that well all die off later?? The point is? Im just glad that we can get rid of gas HORAY and move onto something that is good for the earth like h20 cars and cars that run off of trash =). That is a very good idea. We have to much trash that we could make fuel out of. Mc. Donalds alone in 1 day fills up 3 empire state builings of trash. ALONE!! I just hope that earth stays well for a long time.. Its up to us.. to make it beter for everyone like our kids grandkids. And two guys were so desperate. Last summer when gas was soo expensive they made there car run off of grease from there resturant.