Do you name your fish?



i just dont see why you should name all of your fish i name some of them but not a whole lot of them


yes! MY clown is names Nemo (original I know) and my bicolor blenny is Benny. I only have 2 fish so of course I names them, but if you have hundreds of fish that you can't tell the difference between it would be hard to name them and tell them apart.


any fish that i have named, have died!! i am now testing this theory.. i let my daughter name one of our new chromis.. we will see if it lives or not.


Active Member
I used to name mine until all of the ones with names started dying.
Now, none of mine have names and they're alive. lol


Active Member
2 ocellaris; Froggy & Anette
1 brittle star; Barry
1 camelback shrimp; Scooter
don't just name your fish! inverts are people too! :joy:


Active Member
perc --- Bozo
Mandarin-- Jimmy
2 firefish ---- Spike and Alfalfa
HUGE choc starfish ---- Chip
Halloween crab- Spooky


Originally Posted by Appaloosa1
yes! MY clown is names Nemo (original I know) and my bicolor blenny is Benny. I only have 2 fish so of course I names them, but if you have hundreds of fish that you can't tell the difference between it would be hard to name them and tell them apart.
horse girl, please email me at you've been invited to a spanish mustang society.


Active Member
No cause every fish I have ever named DIED!!!!! So I choose not to kill fish so I just enjoy them as they are!!!!!! lol


Y'all are silly
I name nearly all of my critters and there is a story behind some of them!
Yellow Tang - Edna
PJ Cardinals - Keith & Doris
Coral Beauty - Velvet
Chocolate Chip Starfish - CiCi
Lobster - Norman
Turbo Snails - Snowflake, Quasimoto, Athos, Porthos, Aramis
I admit I don't name my hermit crabs

masta man

I name the fish I am attatched to
Flasher wrasse -sally
regal tang- sulvester
pink spotted goby- masta
star fish- lightning
3 clownfish- winkin blinkin nod
coral beauty- beaut


I had a snail named "lips"...
If you ---- your head slightly to the left you can see how he got his name.



Active Member
I had a false perc that I called Bozo - I think my mother started that - and a Purple Psuedochromis that I called Jimmy, after Jimmy Hendrix (Purple Haze). Other than that, my fish have always gone nameless. Now, it's just "The green fish," "The blue fish," "The red fish," etc.


Active Member
Yellow Tang - Rah (Egyptian sun god)
Naso - Odin (top Norse god)
Firefish - Dudley (he is kind of a dud of a fish)
Scooter blenny - Fido (kind of reminds me of a dog)
2 Clowns - Mary and gary
2 Chromis - No names, can't tell them apart.


Active Member
I named my tangs but since I got rid of one, and some others died on me, I decided it's pointless. Who knows what will happen to them. Plus I doesn't sound good when your friend goes How's Bubbles? I'm sorry it just sounds gay when you and your friends are guys talking about fish by their names. Just my 2 cents.
But when I did name my fish:
Purple tang: Jules (Jules Verne 20000 Leagues Under the Sea)
Yellow tang: Bubbles(Kid at the fish store named him before I decided to buy him)
Sailfin tang: Regal (No idea where that came from, first thing that came to mind)

darthtang aw

Active Member
I don't name them, but My step daughter does. and with over 100 inverts of various species I am NOT naming those in my 150.


New Member
I name my Percula Clownfish, Nemo.
My Bangaii Cardinalfish, Banjii.
My Mexican Turbo Snails, Gary I-IV.
My Hermit Crabs, Kermits
My Pink Birdsnest Coral, Coral