Do you treat your own water?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
I splashed a tiny drop of water on my new MH bulb, it burst.
Fastest spent $70.00 I ever wasted, over a drop of water. So I got an auto top off system and I love it!
I always add water to my sump not directly into the tank, started doing this after I got the canopy tho.
+what number are we on now? for the rodi


RO/DI unit. I couldn't fit 100 one gallon jugs in my car.


Active Member
What is this like plus 15 or something?
It hasn't even nearly paid off yet compared to what it would cost getting it from the store...however it is much more convenient this way and I love it. Eventually it will pay off.


Originally Posted by meowzer
Why would you need 100g of water for a top off or water change?
I was talking initial set-up. It made the decision easy to just get the RO/DI unit. I do still keep a few jugs of the store-bought stuff around just in case, though.


Active Member
+16(?) I was not a believer in ro/di and simply used additives to treat the well water. After a TDS and heavy metal test revealed near-lethal lead,arsenic and copper (most likely in the groundwater from the Copper Queen mine 7 miles up the mountain from me), I bought a $100 ro/di unit from Aquasana and had no more fish losses. You don't even have to spend that much. There is a guy on e***(the auction place) that has a great countertop unit + 4 extra filters(2k gal per filter) for under $80. I have tested the water out of both units with 0 tds and heavy metals. For the first 2 years of keeping a SW tank, most of my fish and inverts would slowly fade and die within a month. Now, I can keep anything, including some pretty sensitive corals.