Does 10% Make-Up water have to be....


If I was FOWLR and am going to have Soft Corals and I am starting to bring up my water Ca,Mag,Alk and so on - Question - My 10% water change would be plain as always or must I correct it's Ca,Mag,Alk and so on over time as well before I put it into my main tank? Just saw my first baby Frilly Mushroom last night:yes:


Active Member
You shouldn't have to add anything to your waterchange water. Most good salt mixes already have these trace elements.

bang guy

Yep... dose your tank, not your water change water. Adding supplements like Calcium hydroxide to your topoff water is fine.


I can't help but wonder what my fish will think as I start dosing for Higher Ca, adjusting P04, Alk and so on. They were used to pretty plain stuff. I'm thinking of their general health in this climb?? I'll do it slowly but will it be tough on them or is this something they won't really notice to much?
Thanks for all the help:D


Oh my PH is at 8.2 right now going to 8.3 - temp is 78 staying and I need a better Alk test kit I suppose. It reads LOW-MED-HIGH
Ugly Uh What would the numbers be in the Med range?????
The kit says Med is ok but I wonder what the number are. Red Sea is the kit.

nm reef

Active Member
I've never used the Red Sea alkalinity test...but if you are intending to suppliment for alkalinity I'd suggest a reliable and accurate test such as Salifert. Any additives intended to adjust water chemistry levels should be tested and monitored in order to establish exactly what the levels are and tests such as Red Sea would be too vague for me.:thinking:


Active Member
I just got the salifert ALK test and it is great. The Red Sea test is useless. The salifet is a little bit toughter to use, but easier to read. Doesn't the red sea only give high medium or low readings?