does anyone ever see there crabs?


does anyone ever see there crabs out in the open?>??? the only time i have ever seen mine was when he is in his rock and i can see his outline in the shadows. i payed 20$ for him so i figured i would see him once in a while

elvis a.

I see my 2 emerald crabs often throughout a week, but for only a short period of time.
As for my shrimp, I have a Coral Banded Shrimp and a peppermint.. I see teh peppermint rarely.. Hardly at all actually.. My CBS is always in his spot which is right behind my crocea clam in this overhang.. You can always see his 6 inch tentacles and most of his body... It's a cool sight!!
-Bang Guy, what type of pistol shrimp is that? Really nice colors!


use to have a sally and would hardly see him, peppermint shrimp i have always stays up behind the overflow for the emporer 400, andthe cleaner shrimp is always out in the open and sometimes comes to the glass if he thinks hes gonna get food