Does anyone on here actually LIKE Palin?


Active Member
Ok so serious question....can anyone actually argue that this lady is smart, composed, intelligent (by presidential standards), or even close to having the ability to help run the country? And no arguements about, "She is the only one with experiance". That is bull honkey as she was mayor in a TEENY WEENY city in alaska....mayor doesn't mean anything as there are towns BIGGER than hers that are run by 20 year old that have been elected into office. Also governer of alaska sure that is a little bit but eh....what does that really mean? Put her as governer of New York and see how she does.
In the words of Jon Stewert, "Even stupid people are now saying....WOW shes stupid"
Now on a side note I am not just argueing the dem side here! As much as I don't really care for McCain I think he would still do a fine job as president and would run the country if not very well at least decently well....but palin is another story.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Ok so serious question....can anyone actually argue that this lady is smart, composed, intelligent (by presidential standards), or even close to having the ability to help run the country? And no arguements about, "She is the only one with experiance". That is bull honkey as she was mayor in a TEENY WEENY city in alaska....mayor doesn't mean anything as there are towns BIGGER than hers that are run by 20 year old that have been elected into office. Also governer of alaska sure that is a little bit but eh....what does that really mean? Put her as governer of New York and see how she does.
In the words of Jon Stewert, "Even stupid people are now saying....WOW shes stupid"
Now on a side note I am not just argueing the dem side here! As much as I don't really care for McCain I think he would still do a fine job as president and would run the country if not very well at least decently well....but palin is another story.
You do not become governor by being stupid. If so then the population you preside over is stupid as well. Are you implying Alaskans are stupid? You know, I hate this argument....If someone disagrees with your viewpoint or does not know n answer to something you do on occasion does this make them stupid? If that is the case, everyone in the new hobbyist section is stupid here.....
Give you an example, Many Call Bush stupid. Yet, the majority of the country voted for him, does this make them stupid as well, and further expand on this, Does that not make John Kerry stupid, since he did, afterall, lose to a stupid guy.


Active Member
well, i think she's hot, first of all.
she runs the state of alaska. a senator really doesnt run anything, but rather just votes on things to make/deny law. (at least thats how it looks to me, although i could be wrong)
that in itself, doesnt mean that she's absolutely qualified. i dont think even running a state can compare to running a country, but its a start.
looking back at things, as far back as i can, arent most presidents chosen from governors rather than senators?
pres bush was gov of tx, pres clinton was gov of ark, pres bush (i) was vp for reagan, and pres reagan was a gov of ca, and ended up winning office 4 years after leaving gov-ship.


Active Member
Absolutely, look at what she has done. She has been governer, (and actually got stuff done). You have the perception that she is dumb why? She really is self made. Vs. Obama, McCain, and biden to some extent. She didn't marry into wealth, and use that money to run for office, she didn't get in bed with radical anti-americans like obama.
I've yet to hear her say something rediculous, like I've been to 57 states, my muslim faith, we just want to spread the wealth around, fdr ran to the tv and gave a speech (in 1929), this is the first time I'm proud of america. So no I don't think she is an idiot. I think she is smarter than you realise, and I think you're watching too much news, where they are all ticked because she doesn't coddle them...
You ever seen palin do this?


Active Member
What cracks me up is Bush is supposed to be so stupid yet he and John Kerry went to the same university and Bush had slightly better grades than Kerry. Bush earned an MBA so it isn't like he was on a easy track.
The Libs said the same thing about Reagan. He schooled them as well


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
what is boils down to is that she has an R next to her name and she is a she.
she is what hillary wanted to be and never will be.
that is why there is all the hatred.
once hillary was burned by obama choosing biden, there was raw hatred for palin when she was picked, and hence all the articles and investigations against her. its sickening. it really is. the left acted less mature than my 3 year old.


Active Member
Sarah Palin seems lost to me. She emits that Good Ole Country Girl attitude, and tries to force people to like her. She lacks the 'Presidential Presence' you like to see in your Commander In Chief. I cringe everytime she does one of her By Golly's, and winks at you when she tries to make a point. Who knows what foreign heads of state will think of her. Her record as Alaskan governor is not squeaky clean, and she's made just as many back door deals as the next politician. She has learned to hold her own in a political debate, but collapses when you back her in a corner. What frustrates me is McCain had so many other choices for individuals who were much more qualified than her for the VP position. He pulls this woman out of a hat at the last minute. Did anyone honestly know who Palin was before McCain chose her? Has she ever indicated or spoke about her aspirations to be in national politics prior to McCain selecting her? You reference how some of our other presidents were governors before taking the office of POTUS. With the exception of Clinton, the Bushes and Reagan were well-known figures, and already known for thier political histories and other personal successes (Reagan was an actor, George W. was a big entrepreur in Texas, even owning a baseball team). When McCain announced Palin, my first reaction was, "Who? I've never heard of the woman. Where is she from?"
When the election came down between McCain and Obama, I initially leaned towards McCain. But when he went out into left field and selected a complete unknown for his VP choice, then I had to listen to her sound like a complete fool in her first two interviews, I can not with any degree of conscience vote for the Republican ticket knowing this woman could potentially become the POTUS. Does she have the potential to be a good national politician? Absolutely. I just don't think she's ready at this time.


Active Member

Originally Posted by bionicarm
When the election came down between McCain and Obama, I initially leaned towards McCain. But when he went out into left field and selected a complete unknown for his VP choice, then I had to listen to her sound like a complete fool in her first two interviews, I can not with any degree of conscience vote for the Republican ticket knowing this woman could potentially become the POTUS. Does she have the potential to be a good national politician? Absolutely. I just don't think she's ready at this time.

Do tell. McCain selected Palin on August 27th
" 06-17-2008, 05:31 PM
Yellow Tang
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 11
I'm curious as to why this useless thread continues. It's quite apparent who the McCain/War lovers are on this board, and who supports the opposite opinion. The only thing I've seen in the last three pages is both parties trying to justify their stance, which to me makes no rational sense at all. OK fine. You hate Obama and everything he stands for. You support the war and believe something good will come out of it. Good for you. So are you three or four Obama haters just going to keep ranting page after page the same old rhetoric that anyone can pull up on some Right-wing ultra-conservative web site? If you want to, go ahead. Me personally, I've become quite bored with it all. No matter what I say or what I can or cannot prove, will change your mind or opinion. So why keep regurgitating the same statements OVER and OVER? Give it a rest people. Unfortunately there's still 5 more months of this ridiculous banter we have to listen to. So come election day, just don't vote for Obama. I won't won't for McCain. Therefore, myself and four individuals I know voting for Obama will cancel out journey's, ScubaDoo's, stdreb27's, reefraff's, and Darthtang AW's votes for McCain
. That's just the way the voting system works. So you want to pat each other's back and say "YEAAA! We won the argument! We win!!" You go right ahead. Congratulations. You win a cookie."
There are plenty more posts out there showing who your candidate/party of choice was.


Active Member

Originally Posted by reefraff
Do tell. McCain selected Palin on August 27th
" 06-17-2008, 05:31 PM
Yellow Tang
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 11
I'm curious as to why this useless thread continues. It's quite apparent who the McCain/War lovers are on this board, and who supports the opposite opinion. The only thing I've seen in the last three pages is both parties trying to justify their stance, which to me makes no rational sense at all. OK fine. You hate Obama and everything he stands for. You support the war and believe something good will come out of it. Good for you. So are you three or four Obama haters just going to keep ranting page after page the same old rhetoric that anyone can pull up on some Right-wing ultra-conservative web site? If you want to, go ahead. Me personally, I've become quite bored with it all. No matter what I say or what I can or cannot prove, will change your mind or opinion. So why keep regurgitating the same statements OVER and OVER? Give it a rest people. Unfortunately there's still 5 more months of this ridiculous banter we have to listen to. So come election day, just don't vote for Obama. I won't won't for McCain. Therefore, myself and four individuals I know voting for Obama will cancel out journey's, ScubaDoo's, stdreb27's, reefraff's, and Darthtang AW's votes for McCain
. That's just the way the voting system works. So you want to pat each other's back and say "YEAAA! We won the argument! We win!!" You go right ahead. Congratulations. You win a cookie."
There are plenty more posts out there showing who your candidate/party of choice was.


you do know that there are others out there running for this office. Perhaps this would be a good time to become aquainted with some of the other parties? Personally I do not agree with the demo's nor the repub's. If your going to toss your vote away to Journey or Batman why not look and vote for something truley different? Peace n Freedom? Independants? Green? To name a few alternatives. As always just my 2 cents