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Originally Posted by reefraff
Do tell. McCain selected Palin on August 27th
" 06-17-2008, 05:31 PM
Yellow Tang
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 11
I'm curious as to why this useless thread continues. It's quite apparent who the McCain/War lovers are on this board, and who supports the opposite opinion. The only thing I've seen in the last three pages is both parties trying to justify their stance, which to me makes no rational sense at all. OK fine. You hate Obama and everything he stands for. You support the war and believe something good will come out of it. Good for you. So are you three or four Obama haters just going to keep ranting page after page the same old rhetoric that anyone can pull up on some Right-wing ultra-conservative web site? If you want to, go ahead. Me personally, I've become quite bored with it all. No matter what I say or what I can or cannot prove, will change your mind or opinion. So why keep regurgitating the same statements OVER and OVER? Give it a rest people. Unfortunately there's still 5 more months of this ridiculous banter we have to listen to. So come election day, just don't vote for Obama. I won't won't for McCain. Therefore, myself and four individuals I know voting for Obama will cancel out journey's, ScubaDoo's, stdreb27's, reefraff's, and Darthtang AW's votes for McCain. That's just the way the voting system works. So you want to pat each other's back and say "YEAAA! We won the argument! We win!!" You go right ahead. Congratulations. You win a cookie."
There are plenty more posts out there showing who your candidate/party of choice was.
Yep. You're right. That's about the time when I started seeing McCain's true colors. Him picking Palin just sealed the deal. The more McCain speaks, the more he sounds like Bush Sr. McCain does have points I agree with. But his continual trashing of his opponent, and his non-commital to the true issues at hand, make me very suspicious of him. It called Changing Your Mind. Luckily our Constitution allows us to do that.