Does anyone on here actually LIKE Palin?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
(Made months before Palin was picked)
Bionic, your posts in this thread initially started off blaming Palin for your decision to not vote for McCain. Unless you had some serious inside information that 's just not possible.
Why do you think you should be allowed to attack a candidate many of us like with impunity? Why do you think we wouldn't point out the obvious contradiction in your posts?

Because I'm not the one running. What has who I'm wanting to vote for have to do with the issues of Palin and McCain? So I don't keep track of the times and dates of every single post I make like some anal-minded people I know who post here (look in mirror). The point is, Palin was the final decision for my true anamosity of McCain's platform and run for the presidency. Like I said, initially I agreed with some of McCain's views. But just listening to you ramble on and on about how you hate Obama was the catalyst that started turning me the other direction. If you represent the attitudes of the Republican Party, I don't want anything to do with them.
You don't seem to have any qualms trashing Obama every minute of the day. What you call of my trashing, is just stating the obvious. What I stated is the same opinion of many voters. Why do you think Obama is leading in virtually every poll? Why exactly do you like McCain and Palin? Please tell me his specific platform issues. In the last two debates, I never heard McCain clearly define what they were. The only common phrase I ever hear out of his mouth is "no new taxes". How will he balance the budget and pay off the deficit without new taxes? He claims he'll cut spending "across the board", but he doesn't say which programs those are. Analysts have looked at both candidates plans over the next 4 years if they're elected. Based on what each candidate promised, the deficit will still be at $783 billion with Obama, but $1 trillion with McCain. So how is the Great Savior McCain going to save me money, at the same time turn this economy around?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Because I'm not the one running. What has who I'm wanting to vote for have to do with the issues of Palin and McCain? So I don't keep track of the times and dates of every single post I make like some anal-minded people I know who post here (look in mirror). The point is, Palin was the final decision for my true anamosity of McCain's platform and run for the presidency. Like I said, initially I agreed with some of McCain's views. But just listening to you ramble on and on about how you hate Obama was the catalyst that started turning me the other direction. If you represent the attitudes of the Republican Party, I don't want anything to do with them.
You don't seem to have any qualms trashing Obama every minute of the day. What you call of my trashing, is just stating the obvious. What I stated is the same opinion of many voters. Why do you think Obama is leading in virtually every poll? Why exactly do you like McCain and Palin? Please tell me his specific platform issues. In the last two debates, I never heard McCain clearly define what they were. The only common phrase I ever hear out of his mouth is "no new taxes". How will he balance the budget and pay off the deficit without new taxes? He claims he'll cut spending "across the board", but he doesn't say which programs those are. Analysts have looked at both candidates plans over the next 4 years if they're elected. Based on what each candidate promised, the deficit will still be at $783 billion with Obama, but $1 trillion with McCain. So how is the Great Savior McCain going to save me money, at the same time turn this economy around?

A) The Obama party is perfect for you then. They change positions as quick.
B) I hope your rich. I can't wait for Obama to take some of your money and give it to my broke butt.
C) Obamas deficit will be less cause he taxed the bejeesus out of everybody to make up for it. How the heck else does a Government raise money. Clueless.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You do not become governor by being stupid. If so then the population you preside over is stupid as well. Are you implying Alaskans are stupid? You know, I hate this argument....If someone disagrees with your viewpoint or does not know n answer to something you do on occasion does this make them stupid? If that is the case, everyone in the new hobbyist section is stupid here.....
Give you an example, Many Call Bush stupid. Yet, the majority of the country voted for him, does this make them stupid as well, and further expand on this, Does that not make John Kerry stupid, since he did, afterall, lose to a stupid guy.
There was a good video I saw of someone going into a bar and other places in her home town asking questions about her and all they know about her was that she was hot. I mean yes she is without a doubt smarter then ALOT of americans. But does NOT means she is experienced enough or smart enough to run the country. Have you seen her speak? When someone asks a question she does not know the answer to she gets all cute looking and says you know what, Let me get back to ya! The ONLY reason people like her is cause she is hot. That is the reason she got elected gov. And I know this is OT but did anyone notice last night how defensive McCain was. And how he would interrupt like a 10year old all the time. What do people not get? She is a smart women. But she is in NO way be VP of the united states. Say something happend to McCain, Can you imagine the press conference? So Palin what do you plan to do about wall street? Well ya know I am goin to go ask my good friends in Wasilla (while looking cute) Let me get back to ya!!!


I am a democrat and not once have I considered voting for Obama. I have listened to every debate. I do not take much stock in the commentary news channels...after all...they are in the business of ratings. I made my decision on what I have heard both candidates say from their own mouths. Which leads to this very important statement: I can honestly say without any doubt that I TRUST McCain. I cannot say that about Obama. There are just too many unanswered questions about him and I have listened to him change his words to suit the crowd he was talking to. McCain, on the other hand, has been the same man whether he was talking in California or Pennsylvania.
Even back when it was Obama and Clinton vying for the ticket, my gut feeling was the same. Obama is not the one.
As for sarah Palin? I like her and I respect her. I believe she will be good for this country. And as for her experience? I think she'll do just fine. She has guts and she has no problem standing up for what she believes.
This voting republican on Nov. 4th


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
There was a good video I saw of someone going into a bar and other places in her home town asking questions about her and all they know about her was that she was hot. I mean yes she is without a doubt smarter then ALOT of americans. But does NOT means she is experienced enough or smart enough to run the country. Have you seen her speak? When someone asks a question she does not know the answer to she gets all cute looking and says you know what, Let me get back to ya! The ONLY reason people like her is cause she is hot. That is the reason she got elected gov. And I know this is OT but did anyone notice last night how defensive McCain was. And how he would interrupt like a 10year old all the time. What do people not get? She is a smart women. But she is in NO way be VP of the united states. Say something happend to McCain, Can you imagine the press conference? So Palin what do you plan to do about wall street? Well ya know I am goin to go ask my good friends in Wasilla (while looking cute) Let me get back to ya!!!

I'd a whole lot rather take a chance on Palin maybe having to step in should something happen to McCain than for sure putting Obama in charge. He has less experience as a government official and no executive experience.


Originally Posted by reefraff
I'd a whole lot rather take a chance on Palin maybe having to step in should something happen to McCain than for sure putting Obama in charge. He has less experience as a government official and no executive experience.
well said.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
And so what if she's cute.... Why can't a VP be cute?

I do not mind that she is cute. It is that the only reason people like her is cause she is cute and maybe a few people that REALLY believe she is smart and do not mind if she were to be in charge.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I'd a whole lot rather take a chance on Palin maybe having to step in should something happen to McCain than for sure putting Obama in charge. He has less experience as a government official and no executive experience.
It is not ALL about ecperience. I would rather have obama cause of the fact he did not go to a low and pick some random person to be VP so he could get votes. I do not like either candidates right now. Obama does not have enough experience. And McCain picked Palin just to get more family votes and dumb red neck votes cause she is hot. He did not pick her cause he thought she would be a good VP. He picked her cause it would get him votes. McCain did not even know her before all this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
.... But she is in NO way be VP of the united states. Say something happend to McCain, Can you imagine the press conference? So Palin what do you plan to do about wall street? Well ya know I am goin to go ask my good friends in Wasilla (while looking cute) Let me get back to ya!!!

Once again I point out she has more executive experience than Obama...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
It is not ALL about ecperience. I would rather have obama cause of the fact he did not go to a low and pick some random person to be VP so he could get votes. I do not like either candidates right now. Obama does not have enough experience. And McCain picked Palin just to get more family votes and dumb red neck votes cause she is hot. He did not pick her cause he thought she would be a good VP. He picked her cause it would get him votes. McCain did not even know her before all this.
Umm, how much do you know about why Obama picked Biden?
You do know Biden, 6 months ago, said on National TV Obama wasn't fit to be President, right?


Originally Posted by MaTT B
It is not ALL about ecperience. I would rather have obama cause of the fact he did not go to a low and pick some random person to be VP so he could get votes. I do not like either candidates right now. Obama does not have enough experience. And McCain picked Palin just to get more family votes and dumb red neck votes cause she is hot. He did not pick her cause he thought she would be a good VP. He picked her cause it would get him votes. McCain did not even know her before all this.
you don't think Obama picked Biden for votes?.... why do you think he picked him?,,,because they have such a long history?...



Active Member
OMG people....have ya'll forgotten who is #3 in line no matter who wins the President job??
Nancy "Botox" that, is scary.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Umm, how much do you know about why Obama picked Biden?
You do know Biden, 6 months ago, said on National TV Obama wasn't fit to be President, right?
But atleast he picked someone that is fit for the job. You can look at all the stats and stuff you want but if you actually listen to her she is just so dumb. And the thing that really makes me mad is how she gets really cute looking and makes her voice sound higher when she is stuck in a corner. This thread is not about obama or his VP. Cause obamas pick is more suited to be a VP then McCains pick. I think McCain is more suited to be P. And biden is more suited to be VP. So its a lose lose in my mind.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
you don't think Obama picked Biden for votes?.... why do you think he picked him?,,,because they have such a long history?...

Maybe not. But atleast he picked someone that has been around. And oh I dont know, Been to the UN. LOL.

matt b

Active Member
Both are liars. Both just want to win. Blah blah blah. Elections suck. The fun part is watching the one that won mess up.