***** Does It Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got back from Deathco and you would not believe what they did! :mad: They had a 4inch Regal Tang in with a 6inch Clown Trigger and he was chasing him around a 20 gallon tank!
I asked they pet guy how long have tehy been in there together he said for about a week and then he tells me that this is normal of new fish and they should be alright! :mad: I told him to get the manager and after I gave him a Ass chewing he told what do I suggest they do about it.
I said move him or or mark him down for sale because he is pretty chewed up no one in there right mind is going to pay $80.00 bucks for him so he put $25.00 on him and I couldn't resist so I will Quarintine him for a month or so they put him in the 125 display!
I love a DEAL. :joy: I will post pictures tonight when I get him settled in. :joy:


Active Member
unreal...makes sense i wish they would pay attention to stuff like that...i have a local ***** that does pretty good with their fish and seem to know what they are doing, thankfully they have a hippy hobbyist who also happens to be the manager, so she maintains them properly and cares for them deeply, but on a good note for "deathco" they had a mistake in shipping and they got a red sea sailfin tang, some of the best color ive ever seen in one, and reduced it to 21.99 because they were sent two when they only oredered one, and they had an extra sohal they sold my friend to hold for me for 30 bucks!! he is 5 inches!!!! what a steal.. i have good one near me :happyfish although i dont buy anything from there....but i couldnt resist the sohal.. :happyfish :happyfish


So basically you just berated a manager about a fish and then when they knocked the fish down in price you just decided you HAD to have it?? I love people that do that. I grant you the way the fish was being kept was not right, but still you just shouldn't "chew his ass out" until he knocked the price down and then decide you had to have it.


Active Member
yeah then it doesnt sink in, but just mad eit look like you wanted a better price, they'll do the same thing again silly, good point i forgot to mention, but good buy, hopefully he'll do ok for you..
It wasn't that I wanted a deal I just went there for goldfish for my clawed frog.
I just went to see what they had in anmd there was the regal being pulverised by this Clown Trigger and I just asked to speak to the manager because this is the secon time I have seen this at this store! :mad: They had an Angel with his face chewed off by a Niger Trigger and I just could't bear to watch another beatutiful fish die.
I just suggested that he move him oor mark down the price because no one is going ot buy this fish for $80,00 beat up so he did it and I jusdt decided that I could heal him up better than they could! If I left it there they would have let him get a bacterial infecxtion and he would of been a goner for sure. I know I can't save every fish but I will save some in my time and this goives me some piece of mind.


Active Member
no i understand your intentions, but think of their perspective, it just looked like you wanted a better deal, suggesting what they should do will help in the long run, hope you can save him....


Active Member
well its sad but id say dont even bother going there anymore, youre house is going to turn into a fish refugee camp.....


I don't know why ***** sells beautiful saltwater fish that need special care, I saw an emporor angelfish in a 30 gallon tank and it was freaking out. At least of nobody buys them for a week they give it to my LFS which will turn around and sell them for more so I don't know. But yeah most of the fish their are dead after a while maybe a week or so. The guy at ***** that I usually talks to seems to care more and he said he heard when he was not at work some kid came in and bought 4 powder blue tangs together and a lionfish, the guy said he wouldn't have sold it to the kid. Anyways I don't think you did a bad thing buying the fish after it was knocked down in price, if you are going to put him in the right environment.


Active Member
youll be like the pet lady i saw on animal cops....this lady would take every cat, dog, bird she could find, before she knew it her house had more square feet of animals than floor space...call it the fishtanknewbie aquarium five bucks to get in, your bedroom becomes a clset because you have more gallons of water and fish than the san diego zoo....


Active Member
i dont think the biggest problem is that it makes you seem like you wanted to get a better deal. Although that is what they will think and then will not ever do that again. But you also say they should get out of the SWfish buisenes..... THEY WILL NEVER DO THAT IF YOU KEEP BUYING FORM THEM!!!!!!!! you cant say you want a place to close for the benifit of these fish and then go and buy fish there...... sure you will save that one fish maybe, but that will just encourage them to buy more and more and more fish!!


Active Member
so curious to your post, i went down to my local *****, the one i was bragging up earlier. i havent been there for about a month or so, i went to get more food for the fish, and i looked at the saltwater section............OMG!!!! they did it there too!!!! they have a clown trigger, yellow tang, lawnmower blenny, spotted hawkfish, and a couple hogfishes in the same tank(looks like a 46 gal long) the yellow seems to dominate the tank mostly, but the clown is wedged vertically not moving, in a white lava rock..oh just wait, thats the first tank, then they have a blue regal, a lemonpeel,a huge halequin tusk(beautiful colors but depressed lil guy) and two bicolors(angels) in the same 29 gal. then, it gets worse, they have another regal, a lemonpeel(with some sort of fungus all over), a yellow, a powder blue tang, a sohal tang, and a raccoon butterfly in the same 29 gal. and then they have misc crap all over the place, and all jammed into tanks... i went to go find my manager friend, the one i was bragging up and they said she moved to a different store three weeks ago...obviously......the only fish that had a good life for themselves was a flame angel who had his own 29 gal. and a lemonpeel that his own, all the rest were jammed in there like concentration camps, the problem is the fish with the fungus, is in a big community of fish in a small tank, AND all of the tanks run off of the same system, so lol, it seems there is gonna have to be a bunch of idiots with lots of money to get these guys out, i wouldnt touch the tanks with my worst enemy's arms. i feel so bad for those fish, to top it off it looks like most of the fish have velvet....


I don't blame you for any of that. Some fish need special care. If you saw someone throw a cat or dog out the window and drive off. WHAT WOULD YOU DO ?? Or a house full of dogs that nips and eat cats ? It is basically the same deal.. one fish that belongs in certain requirements that is not getting the best care that it needs.
I would not pay $80 for $80 fish who is all chewed and messed up..
How many people here have bought corals from a LFS that were wrongly/under priced ? I have. I look for deals.
How many people have been ripped off from a LFS ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pbienkiewi
I don't blame you for any of that. Some fish need special care. If you saw someone throw a cat or dog out the window and drive off. WHAT WOULD YOU DO ?? Or a house full of dogs that nips and eat cats ? It is basically the same deal.. one fish that belongs in certain requirements that is not getting the best care that it needs.
I would not pay $80 for $80 fish who is all chewed and messed up..
How many people here have bought corals from a LFS that were wrongly/under priced ? I have. I look for deals.
How many people have been ripped off from a LFS ?
ha ha ha id say 90% of us on here have at one point.....


Active Member
its ridiculous cartman, i mean really, the worst part is some of the workers that are there know better, yet they do it anyway....i mean thats just ridiculous... :scared:


Active Member
Don't buy from them, and encourage others to avoid them as well. (And that means ANY products)
Chain "all-in-one" pet stores need to quit carrying salt water fish. If the market disappears then they will avoid the product.


I notice alot of people going to ***** on the site to buy fish, and most everyone is upset about the treatment of the fish they sell and feel its best to vent here, im not sure if anyone has thought about this, but mabey they have, but why not write to the company or email them, talking to the employees there isn't going to change anything, cuz no one that works there seems to know any better. sure its nice to educate the employees, but imo, it needs to goto higher, and as far as the LFS bashing, its annoying, i work so hard on giving people the CORRECT advise and ALL my customers love the fact that they can go somewhere for the right answers all the time, if you got a problem with YOUR LFS then make it a problem with YOUR LFS not all of them, sorry for the fustation, i just needed to voice my option, thank you


Listen bottom line you people that do not like ***** are always going to come on here and complain about *****. You hit the search function and type in ***** your going to find a number or hate threads, you know what you dont like them dont go there. I for one like the ***** stores in my area. I go there for all my fish food, dog food, bird food, dog grooming needs and any other pet related issue i might have. The only other time i go to the lfs's near me is when i went either an invert, or a coral.
Writing letters to ***** isn't going to make a bit of a difference. Now i will grant you some of the things they do isn't all that well, i have a friend who runds the fish department near me and yes he admits that stuff more mature fish in smaller aquariums isn't the right thing to do. But he also makes apoint to put aggresive fish with aggresive fish and non-aggresive with non-aggresive. and aside from all this the ***** near me will sell out of any fish that has any special needs within a few days. They get there shipments in on a wendsday and by friday they place will be wiped out of everything but some damsels thats it. If you dont like the place then dont go there. Now i relize my ranting isn't going to make a bit of a differnce cause in the next month there is going to be a million more "i hate *****" threads. I buy food for all my other animals there and they are considerably cheaper than any other place i go, yeah i dont agree with the way there fish are being treated but you know what i wouldn't have a leg to stand on saying i hate ***** cause i would be very hypocritical cause they help me out with everything else pet related.