***** Does It Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1968OldsMa
..i dont agree with the way there fish are being treated but you know what i wouldn't have a leg to stand on saying i hate ***** cause i would be very hypocritical cause they help me out with everything else pet related.
That's where the real argument lies. Are you willing to pay a few more bucks based on your principles vs. convenience...


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's where the real argument lies. Are you willing to pay a few more bucks based on your principles vs. convenience...
Okay, let me add something to all this and 'pollute the water' so to speak.
Each and every one of us have purchased from an LFS and we have purchased from an online retailer that specializes in saltwater fish.
Some online retailers are good - and some are not so good. Some have great guarantees and some have none.
So while you moan and groan about these businesses they manage to stay in business because the consumers that moan and groan refuse to shop elsewhere - that is the bottom line.
Ol'Roy dog food is the worst dog food on the market - but you know why it is still on the market? Because people go to WalMart and buy it. As long as there are buyers for the crap - there will be Ol'Roy (in case you haven't figured it out, my husband works in the Pet food industry). The same holds true if people go to ***** for saltwater fish and saltwater fish products.
You don't see too many WalMart stores carrying saltwater fish and saltwater products. Why? Because it requires too much precision. This hobby we have chosen to be in requires not only a higher than average expendable income, it requires a somewhat scientific mindset. But I digress...
Some local stores have no guarantees and some have none. I have one store that is 30 miles from me that claims to cater to the kingdom of animals but they have very little in the saltwater line. The stuff they do have is over-priced severely
for my local market (and they are 30 miles from me) and I'm not sure their saltwater person knows much about saltwater fish or their care. They sure couldn't order the krill I specifically asked for.
Then there is my local
saltwater store that is good (3 miles from me). I take that back, that store isn't just good - it's great! The owner knows his stuff and and has taught me so much. But he is human, and he too makes occassional errors. Am I going to punish him and not go to his store ever again? No. I am going to share my newfound knowledge and point him to where I found the information and more than likely he is going to make sure I my information is correct and make any necessary changes.
Sure, I can go online and buy from 'the cheapest place' to get the fish I want, but in the end what it comes down to is I buy from different sources. One place I won't buy from again because the shipment I received came later in the day and some of the fish never recovered from the stress and died. Sure the company refunded my credit card, but my great local store who has a 'shorter' guarantee knows me, knows my systems and knows how I care for the tanks. After all, what are the odds two tanks are screwed up?
He knew all my numbers were in check and I was still dealing with hish dying. He was calling me at all hours of the day and night with thoughts and ideas of what the problem could be. He finally said to me one day after about a week of this, to bring in the hydometer I had purchased a short time ago so we could compare it to his. We found out the source of the problem. My hydrometer was waaaay off. What are the odds of that?
Would a national company care enough about my problem to call me day and night and go through the agony with me of trying to solve the problem? I don't think so. I doubt they would care if I ever came into their store again and purchased another fish. But, the awesome LFS owner cared enough to rack his brain right a long with me to do whatever it took to get the tanks back to where they needed to be.
This store is a small business and a new one at that. Sure, he charges probably three or four times more than online stores do for fish and corals, but where would I be without him? This is the same LFS owner that stayed at his a little late for me as I forgot to get salt. He was willing to wait for me to drive into town.
Without my LFS owner, I'd be stuck with two tanks in my basement waiting to pawn two tanks off for less than half the price I paid for them at a garage sale.
If anyone wants the name of a good LFS - you can count on me to give
on mine.
So to answer your question, my LFS is the covenient way and I can still stick to my priciples.
When I want to cut corners and have time on my side, I can buy online, but for every dollar I spend online, I also risk losing my LFS, the knowledge and expertise I need when an emergency arises.


Digress ?
Wow such a vocabulary lol. Actually i love that word LMAO
I personally stay away from any store regardless of weather be pet store or just a retail merch. that i disagree with their: business practices, principals, Products, knowledge or lack there of, or any other thing I may take oposition with. Just my personal belief structure but i can't stand those, not pointing any fingers at anyone involved in this thread at all, who complain about a "Store" then go there and purchase items from them due to convinence or whatever reason they may have. Just my .02 worth
BTW they got spell check on here
i can't spell for... well you know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ComputrGk
Digress ?
Wow such a vocabulary lol. Actually i love that word LMAO
I personally stay away from any store regardless of weather be pet store or just a retail merch. that i disagree with their: business practices, principals, Products, knowledge or lack there of, or any other thing I may take oposition with. BTW they got spell check on here
i can't spell for... well you know.
Ah! Ha! So you laugh at my vocabulary, huh? That's okay, you're not the only one who does.

I'm glad we agree on buying practices.
Stupid question here, though... did how bad was my spelling in the last post? I know I'm tired and have had little sleep but I thought I could have done a heck of a lot worse. :thinking:
Denise M.
(needing another pot if I'm going to make it through the night)


i pay very little attention to others spelling errors, but cannot stand making them myself yet invarable do. although when i wrote that post i was exhausted so i think considering it wasn't too bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ComputrGk
i pay very little attention to others spelling errors, but cannot stand making them myself yet invarable do. although when i wrote that post i was exhausted so i think considering it wasn't too bad.
Hey ComputrGk, maybe we need to share a pot of coffee.
Re-read that post you wrote. Seems to me you could use a shot of caffeine too!

Trust me, when I work late at night and the pot is empty I am bound to make mistakes.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ComputrGk
make mine a double espresso

Would you like your own IV bag? Why waste a perfectly good cup and have to get up all night to refill the cups?
Denise M.


Active Member
you know actually i never go to *****, but my lfs was out of tests, my buddies fish store was out of testing supply, and i needed it immediately, so the next best thing? *****, thats when i saw this ridiculous stuff happening, the place is outrageous in price, and the quality of their fish is horrible, but when you need something like that no choice. if you like i can forward you the email i sent to *****...5 times!


Active Member
Originally Posted by carshark
you know actually i never go to *****, but my lfs was out of tests, my buddies fish store was out of testing supply, and i needed it immediately, so the next best thing? *****, thats when i saw this ridiculous stuff happening, the place is outrageous in price, and the quality of their fish is horrible, but when you need something like that no choice. if you like i can forward you the email i sent to *****...5 times!

Hey! I have family in Ankeny and in Clive. What shops would you recommend? I actually have to travel to Des Moines soon and would like to do some shopping.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Merredeth
Hey! I have family in Ankeny and in Clive. What shops would you recommend? I actually have to travel to Des Moines soon and would like to do some shopping.
Denise M.

you wanna know the best place in town but is on the expensive side is Adam's aquatics, his fish and coral are top quality, and product the same as well has a good love for fish and reef...its located on 42nd st. in des moines. he is very keen on fish keeping and knows a lot. theres a place called iowa pet foods and aquatics on 22nd st. west des moines where i live..they have a huge set reef set up i dont remember the size its like a 365 cube i think....and also has a shark and ray pond set up, black tip sharks...a broad selection of fish, not a lot of corals, all fish mostly...a buddy of mine has a small shop in adel but not much of a selection, right now he has a huma huma trigger, coral beauty (one of the best ive ever seen), and seabae anemone and a couple seabaes along with other things his prices are best in town, and his fish are good quality, but its a small shop, its not all glamour and glitz, but good guy!!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Are you willing to pay a few more bucks based on your principles vs. convenience...
Most people are not willing or else WalMart wouldn't exist.


good Morning Everyone
This is the same thing I see at ***** in Allentown, Pa. They put fish in tanks that dont belong together. ***** must hire the handycap to work for them. I say lets blast there web sight every time some one see this kind of crap.


Originally Posted by chipmunk
I say lets blast there web sight every time some one see this kind of crap.
Instead, why don't you do something that might help? Try educating the allegedly handicapped. In essence isn't that what we are all doing on here . . . educating one another based on our experiences?


i think it's funny that every week or 2 there is another thread bashing *****. what i also think is funny is that if you hate ***** so much why do you go in there? i myself have no problems going to ***** to buy fish especially since they are cheap. i work at one right now part time while i finish up college and i know how well they take care of them at my store.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mbrands
Instead, why don't you do something that might help? Try educating the allegedly handicapped. In essence isn't that what we are all doing on here . . . educating one another based on our experiences?
Educating individuals and each other is one thing - educating a corporation that has the funds to educate personnel that are paid to take care of livestock and are supposed to be educating the public is a whole other story.
This hobby we are in takes a certain amount of knowledge and experience. Paying people minimum wage or slightly better than that equals talent that is going to give you these kind of actions you see all the time.
Again this comes back to the fact you get what you pay for. I get excellent fish from my local store because he knows what he is doing and any fish I buy from him he is going to know a lot more about than I do.
Denise M.


Originally Posted by Merredeth
Educating individuals and each other is one thing - educating a corporation that has the funds to educate personnel that are paid to take care of livestock and are supposed to be educating the public is a whole other story.
You're right. Asking to educate individuals at the store level is a complete waste of time. Why bother to make any effort at improving the situation when we can all be at home, sitting on the couch watching re-runs.


Active Member
Only a small percentage of gross sales comes from live animals at ***** THey offer live animals for sale to lure folks to the store. They actually want you to buy dry goods, supplies, etc. This is why live animals often suffer at some *****'s (not all)
If you do not like the way ***** houses animals for sale.....state your opiinon with your wallet and buy NOTHING from the store. Maybe then they will change.
You continue to buy ...then you support the chain via your dollars and reward the behavior. ALL stores are owned buy coporate in SAn Diego...no local/franchise ownership. By purcahsing from one you support all.