Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's where the real argument lies. Are you willing to pay a few more bucks based on your principles vs. convenience...
Okay, let me add something to all this and 'pollute the water' so to speak.
Each and every one of us have purchased from an LFS and we have purchased from an online retailer that specializes in saltwater fish.
Some online retailers are good - and some are not so good. Some have great guarantees and some have none.
So while you moan and groan about these businesses they manage to stay in business because the consumers that moan and groan refuse to shop elsewhere - that is the bottom line.
Ol'Roy dog food is the worst dog food on the market - but you know why it is still on the market? Because people go to WalMart and buy it. As long as there are buyers for the crap - there will be Ol'Roy (in case you haven't figured it out, my husband works in the Pet food industry). The same holds true if people go to ***** for saltwater fish and saltwater fish products.
You don't see too many WalMart stores carrying saltwater fish and saltwater products. Why? Because it requires too much precision. This hobby we have chosen to be in requires not only a higher than average expendable income, it requires a somewhat scientific mindset. But I digress...
Some local stores have no guarantees and some have none. I have one store that is 30 miles from me that claims to cater to the kingdom of animals but they have very little in the saltwater line. The stuff they do have is over-priced severely for my local market (and they are 30 miles from me) and I'm not sure their saltwater person knows much about saltwater fish or their care. They sure couldn't order the krill I specifically asked for.
Then there is my local saltwater store that is good (3 miles from me). I take that back, that store isn't just good - it's great! The owner knows his stuff and and has taught me so much. But he is human, and he too makes occassional errors. Am I going to punish him and not go to his store ever again? No. I am going to share my newfound knowledge and point him to where I found the information and more than likely he is going to make sure I my information is correct and make any necessary changes.
Sure, I can go online and buy from 'the cheapest place' to get the fish I want, but in the end what it comes down to is I buy from different sources. One place I won't buy from again because the shipment I received came later in the day and some of the fish never recovered from the stress and died. Sure the company refunded my credit card, but my great local store who has a 'shorter' guarantee knows me, knows my systems and knows how I care for the tanks. After all, what are the odds two tanks are screwed up?
He knew all my numbers were in check and I was still dealing with hish dying. He was calling me at all hours of the day and night with thoughts and ideas of what the problem could be. He finally said to me one day after about a week of this, to bring in the hydometer I had purchased a short time ago so we could compare it to his. We found out the source of the problem. My hydrometer was waaaay off. What are the odds of that?
Would a national company care enough about my problem to call me day and night and go through the agony with me of trying to solve the problem? I don't think so. I doubt they would care if I ever came into their store again and purchased another fish. But, the awesome LFS owner cared enough to rack his brain right a long with me to do whatever it took to get the tanks back to where they needed to be.
This store is a small business and a new one at that. Sure, he charges probably three or four times more than online stores do for fish and corals, but where would I be without him? This is the same LFS owner that stayed at his a little late for me as I forgot to get salt. He was willing to wait for me to drive into town.
Without my LFS owner, I'd be stuck with two tanks in my basement waiting to pawn two tanks off for less than half the price I paid for them at a garage sale.
If anyone wants the name of a good LFS - you can count on me to give
on mine.
So to answer your question, my LFS is the covenient way and I can still stick to my priciples. When I want to cut corners and have time on my side, I can buy online, but for every dollar I spend online, I also risk losing my LFS, the knowledge and expertise I need when an emergency arises.