Does LFS know what they are talking about?


I am being told that a Royal Urchin will eat hair algae and not coralline. Is this true? Is a royal the same as a tuxedo?


Urchins will eat anything and everything they can get their mouths on. and yes coralline as well.


I am still having the problem with the hair algae. Do you think it would go after the hair or coralline first? At this point I would buy it to clean the hair and then try to sell it, trade it, or even give it away.


Many people will do just that, get an urchin to mow down the algae. But it will mow anything in its path, including the coralline. If you have no problem growing coralline algea then go for it. The urchin will eat the coralline and at the same time spread the spores.
I still think it would only be a short term band aid though, sounds like you still have some form of nutrient problem, even if it is only slight. The hair algae is using whatever it can as fast as it may be going into the system.
Have you tried changing the food that you add to the tank, reduced feedings, run a polyfilter, drip kalk to reduce phophates, phosphate sponge, more frequent water changes, are you running carbon 24/7 if so then perhaps you should stop with the carbon and only run it once every couple of weeks. The list goes on and on.

bang guy

That particular Urchin will eat any algae in its path. Hair & Coralline included. I see no reason for you not to get one. Be careful of fluctuating or low Salinity levels though.


i concur on getting the urchin, my pincushion and longspine clean all the algae on the glass and rocks.
he's my can see his trail in the algae


I'm not sure why I am having a nutrient problem or a phosphate problem. I only have 2 clowns and a yellow tang and they only get a pinch of food. I am using RO/DI water so I shouldn't be adding any phosphates. I use Spectra brand pellets. I actually think it might have been you, Bang that recommended them to me about a year and a half ago because they sink and don't go into the overflow. I'm not exactly overrun with coarlline, but if I have to choose between hair and coraline or neither, I'll take neither. LFS in MA has a royal urchin for $10. How good of a job will it do in a 75? Is one enough?


One would be enough.
I might look to see if your pellets have any preservitives in them. This could be the source of phosphates.


Could sunlight be causing it? The tank is not near a window, it is across the room, but in the afternoon, it probably catches some rays.
Keep in mind that this picture is over about a year old and the tank didn't have the problem at the time. Also, the Tang and the anemone are no longer in the tank. Actaully...that is the 55, noty the 75 that I have now. Anyway...that is the tank location in respect to the windows.
The room is about 14' wide.


Active Member
How old are your lights?? Also - any major die off in clean-up crew members?? have you checked your water levels for phosphates?? Do you run carbon - some of the cheap brands have been rumored to add harmful stuff to your water!


Old light fixture, new the intensity hasn't changed and the temperature should be good right now.
I don't run carbon. I have about 60lbs LR, 4" DSB (about 100lbs new sand from the switch to the 75G tank), I have a Turboflotor 1000 skimmer in a 10G sump and a 10G fuge with what a LFS said was caulerpa with about 4-5 watts per gallon.
No die off with the cleanup crew, although I don't have a very large clean up crew to begin with. Maybe a dozen or so hermits.
I am getting a zero reading for phosphates, assuming the kit is accurate. I am running RO/DI water.


Active Member
hair algea is a true PITA. I would remove the rocks that have it and put them somewhere in a dark place. I'd also increase your clean-up crew.
If you could darken the whole tank for a while that would work out ... but if you have corals then you can't do that.
Have you had your RO/DI run through a TDS meter lately?? That what was doing it for me - my RO filter system was doing fine them BOOM - Hair Algea explosion. well the main cartridge was going south ... my tds had shot up and the only way I got rid of it was totall dark submissions.


The RODI had better be's only 2 months old. I've had the lights off for 3 days. I added the urchin last night. The guy at the LFS said I should test for silicates as well as Phosphate and Nitrate. I'll take some water to be tested on Monday. But the RODI unit should be stopping the silicates also. I am really starting to think it's the light coming in from the windows. Even though it isn't directly on the tank...I think that's the problem. Now to figure out a solution. My wife likes the light coming in during the day. I might build two wooden covers that she can hang on the front and side of the tank for the 2-3 hours during the day that the light comes in the back of the house.