Does this sound good?


Active Member
I think it looks pretty good so far, but though I seen Schadiest1 mention something about 50lbs of live sand??? That is way to much sand for the tank.... DSB aren't what everybody cracks them up to be and you'll see the trend that people are slowly removing the DSB. Alot of work (studies) have been done and the nitrification and denitrification process takes place within the top 3/4" of a sand bed so anything deeper than that to me is a waste of money. It's your choice, but a sand bed deeper than that not properly maintained will only lead you down the road to suck it all out..... Do your homework and as around about the DSB!!!!!
As far as the swing arm hydrometer I would opt against it and spend the extra cash and get yourself a refractometer. Much more accurate readings
Again thick twice about dumping 50lbs of sand in the tank!!!


you know..... i thing acrylic has apoint about the sand. I still dibating wether or not tho keep mine when I re-do my tank this summer????


New Member
I am not sure how much sand you should get as this time around I decided to go with no sand on the bottom. I have only had the tank up and running for a little over 2 months and I don't have corals yet but have been thinking about them, I do have LR and decent clean up crew and I have had perfect test readings since it cycled. I am wondering if having no sand helps not having high nitrates. I am liking no sand on the bottom for now.


this is what i have for my 90 gallon and what i payed. my buddy makes custom stands ive give you what i payed
2 250mh 10k's ballist bulbs sockets reflectors $209 a peice so $418+ tax
1 48inch corallife retrofit kit 4-65watt $189
changed 2 bulbs to atenic $27 a piece so $54
1/10 hp chiller $399
homemade refug $60
berlin ho skimmer $189
100lbs fiji lr $300 after shipping
100lbs live sand $150
tank stand my friend made and gave me a deal $100
tank canopy my friend made $180
total is $2039
canopy still needs painting i couldn't wait to get mh's in...



so as long as i have the a skimmer, lr, ls, and a fuge, i dont need a filter? WAHOO!! :D
thats over 200$ of the list