Dog bite need advice


Active Member
Originally Posted by mjm889
hey beth maybe i can help, i am a law enforcement officer in wisconsin, also a canine officer, in our state all dogs have to be on a leash, if dog runs into another its consider dogs running at large which is a fine. if i was you i would call your local law enforcement, we deal with these kind of calls all the time, if your dogs were in your yard minding there own business and this guy dog comes running in the yard and an incident occurs, its this guys fault, dont let him bully you. call and report it he is the one thats in the wrong. dont think your wasting our time this is what we do protect and serve- mike
thanks for the tip.
Originally Posted by reefraff

If you and the neighbor are cool you might want to have him type up an affidavit saying that on the day in question your dogs were on the leashes or whatever and anything he knows about the specifics like if he saw that guy's dog running loose. Do it while it is fresh in his mind and then at his convenience have it notarized. Important thing is to get him to write it down now so he wont be hesitant due to not remembering. Having it notarized only costs a few bucks at the bank and might even be free at his own bank. If the goober drug you into small claims or tried to file a claim against your insurance it might come in handy. Don't underestimate the possibility of your insurance co just paying the bill because it would be cheaper than having a lawyer deal with it. Don't give him the name of your insurance co either.
My and my neighbor are pretty good friends, he watching my dogs when im out of town, we cut each others grass and all that other stuff good neighbors do for each other.
He works at home most of the time and his office/garage faces my back yard and over the years he has learned the diffrences in my dogs bark "he knows when another dog or cat is in my yard by the sound of there bark" he didnt see this guys dog in my yard or hear my dogs barking at something just as i and my wife didnt either. The only other animal i have seen in my yard is a small 5-10lbs terror from a few houses up the street. My dogs dont even care when this dog comes around i try to shoo it off because i dont want anything to happen but for 2 years not nother ever has .


Staff member
Maybe because I mentioned the police.

I'd still keep a low profile with the dogs. You never know, that guy may try to do harm to them. You don't know him from Adam at this point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Maybe because I mentioned the police.

I'd still keep a low profile with the dogs. You never know, that guy may try to do harm to them. You don't know him from Adam at this point.
that has crossed my mind, i did a drive around here looking for his cars and low and behold he only lives about 6 houses away... so its not like he didnt know they where there. You can almost see into my yard from his house.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Someone's living in Utopia again.
Get ready to lawyer up.
Your homeowners' insurance should pay for the defense, but I would call your agent ASAP.
How is he liable if his dogs were chained, the other guys dog got off its leash and went into his yard?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
How is he liable if his dogs were chained, the other guys dog got off its leash and went into his yard?
dog was never on a leash.. atleast he wasnt on a leash when he came to my door holding his dog.


Active Member
Another angle I hadn't thought of is I wonder if the guy is one of those crusaders trying to get pits banned. You heard nothing, your neighbor heard nothing. If he isn't trying to scam you did he even see your dogs bite his and if so which one did it? The dog might have just cut itself on something when it got away from him and he just assumed it was your dogs.
If you don't know the guys name and address I wouldn't even call his vet. When he comes back get his name and address or get the make and plate of his car and just call the cops and let them deal with him.


Active Member
He didnt even say what one bit his dog. just that his dog was bitten. I know that he isnt a fan of pitbulls by the comment he made about them as he walked out of my yard and how he called me an idiot for letting my 2yr daughter go near them. She does not go near them unsupervised not because im afraid of them biting her but because they are 60+ lbs and knock her over very easily, and hey lets face it i trust my dogs but not on my daughter's life.


Active Member
Just call the police. If he comes to your door again, tell him hes harrassing you and your going to call the police. State that your dogs are chained, theres a law that all dogs much be leeshed, his dog trespassed and as a result your dog might have acted apon it, also let him know you have your neighbour as a witness that there was no barking ect. I dont think you should deal with this guy further, and let the police do the talking. If everything you say is true you shouldnt have anything to worry about. DO NOT CALL THE VET OR HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT, ITS LIKE YOU ADMITTING FAULT EVEN IF YOU ARE TRYING TO BE KIND AND HELP THIS PERSON IF IT WAS ACCTUALLY YOUR FAULT.
If your dogs acctually attacked his, he should have called the police right there and then.


Active Member
What the law's on trespassing on your property as well? If he continues to pester you, go fill out a report on him trespassing.
Like if my ball goes over my fence I know I have ask my neighbor to get, I can't just run into his yard to retrieve it. I realize a dog is substantially more important then a ball, but can he just run on your property to get his dog? Though I have a feeling if he claims the dogs were fighting, an "unusual circumstances" or something would allow him on there.


Active Member
According to Tennessee law, any person who unlawfully enters the property of another may be guilty of trespassing. The penalties for this offense vary depending on whether the trespass was civil or criminal. If the accused person uses force to enter the property and has knowledge that the owner has not consented to the entry, the trespass is criminal. If the property is entered without force the trespass is civil. Any person who commits a civil trespass may be sued for monetary damages, but they will not face criminal charges. Criminal trespassing, however, may result in criminal charges against the offender.
How do you know when you don’t have the owner’s effective consent? Tennessee statutes list a variety of ways that knowledge of the owner’s consent may be given or implied. A communication from the owner can give knowledge of the owner’s consent or lack of consent. A fence or enclosure around the property can convey the owner’s lack of effective consent. Any obviously visible sign can also convey the owner’s lack of effective consent. Tenn. Code Ann. 39-14-405 (2006). Additionally, an owner can convey his lack of consent by posting signs approved by the wildlife resources agency that state “Hunting by Written Permission Only”. These signs must also show the name of the owner and be accompanied by florescent visual markings around the perimeter of the property. Tenn. Code Ann. 70-4-106 (2006).
Criminal trespass is a Class C Misdemeanor and can be punished by a fine or a sentence of up to 30 days in jail. Tenn. Code Ann. 40-35-111 (2006). Criminal trespass charges, like any criminal charges, can profoundly impact you and your family. When dealing with criminal charges, it is important to find an experienced and effective Tennessee attorney, who can help find the best resolution for you and your family.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Someone's living in Utopia again.
Get ready to lawyer up.
Your homeowners' insurance should pay for the defense, but I would call your agent ASAP.
Right, and let them do all your investigating, legwork, etc. The downside; most homeowners frown on pitbulls and may have an exclusion that you don't remember signing. In any case, you can bet on getting non-renewed if you have dogs that were involved in a biting case. I'm not judging your dogs, but pit bulls are a legit concern for insurance companies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Right, and let them do all your investigating, legwork, etc. The downside; most homeowners frown on pitbulls and may have an exclusion that you don't remember signing. In any case, you can bet on getting non-renewed if you have dogs that were involved in a biting case. I'm not judging your dogs, but pit bulls are a legit concern for insurance companies.
yup and i pay about $350 more a year in homeowners insurance for owning them.


Well-Known Member

I think it’s a scam, the guy just wants you to “settle out of court”. He wants you worried. Don’t do anything except call the police tell them the story and get something on official record, by having them make a report. Don’t call his vet, or give any more information.
I bet as soon as police are called in, he disappears.


Staff member
If he returns, lay out the scenario for him. His dog was not on leash and your area's ordinance requires a leash. He admits to his dog trespassing, and supposedly getting into a scuffle with your dogs, that were on a leash. I'm guessing your dogs could have killed the other dog if they were really all that vicious. You were home and heard nothing. He made derogatory comments about you while he was on your property uninvited. ETC
Now, after you lay it out for him, ask him if he wants you to call the police to make a report. Have your phone with you.
Or go ahead and call the police and just talk it over with them over the phone beforehand.
As said here, if his dog is up on his vaccines, he doesn't need records from you. Maybe his dog is not current, and that is why he is worried about it.
I don't know if its a scam. But, he may try to hit you up to pay vet bills.


Staff member
Originally Posted by mjm889
the cop says call the cops lol, let us handle this goof ball
Unfortunately, not all cops are as nice as you. The last time I called the cops my alarm system went off at home by mistake. No, no one set it off, it just had a faulty relay. I was issued a fine for false alarm. Now, mind you, the reason I have an alarm system is because I was robbed in 07 for which the criminals were never caught.
I had a fender bender last year, and the guy that hit me called to make a report. We both got a big lecture why it is unnecessary to call the cops for a minor fender bender. Really?
It took more time to give the lecture then to just write out the report.


Active Member
wow, this sounds like such a scam. I can see how you are nervous though. Def. call the police just to get it out that his dogs was without a leash. His story has so many holes in it.
Good luck, just stay cool. Cute pups btw.
Originally Posted by Beth
I was issued a fine for false alarm. Now, mind you, the reason I have an alarm system is because I was robbed in 07 for which the criminals were never caught.
holy carps......for 1??? We had 1 (faulty switch also) and we got a letter from our city police dept stating 1 more and we will be fined $50.


Active Member
I wouldn't show my hole cards to this guy. I would just ask what he wants you to do about it. Tell him your dogs are current on their shots but if his is too it doesn't matter anyway.