

Does anyone know if there are any type of dolphin or anything similar to dolphin that you could put in a tank


not a dolphinfish, just something like a regular dolphin, i didn't know if the were available to people with large tanks


You couldnt get a dolphin. They require huge tanks and the red tape to get one if difficult at best.


Dolphins belong in the wild. Fish are different, we can provide for them but a dolphin just wouldnt be happy. Besides, I'm pretty sure you would need an olympic sized pool for the critter.


Think Tank? You need to add a few more thinkers to your think tank. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Active Member
with a masters in marine biology, you ought to know 2 things, first eh size of a quarium needed for a dophin would have to be in the millions of gallons, at least much more than 400,000
and this next article will say it best, but in short it is illegal to take capture kill or import marine mammals, in the US and this is actually an international policy, most coutries obide, but we all know that some will not adhere, not to mention that any aquariist(MOST OF US ACTUALLY CARE) and biologists ought to care enough about the fact of it being cruel and inhumane and very unhealthy for them
<a href="" target="_blank">READ THIS LINK</a>
sorry, but i have to admit that last night you had me almost ready to retract my statement, but i have observed more to justify my statement, and this is a good one


New Member
Well I actually find it funny that you guys are telling this person that dolphins belong in the wild and so forth, yet you keep sharks????
There is no way that anyone on this message board actually has a tank big enough for a shark to be at least a little bit happy. Swimming back and forth a tank that has just enough room to do so does not seem anywhere near happiness to me. Yes maybe the shark is what 3 feet long and your tank is 10ft long so what thats still only 7 free feet of swimming!!! thats NO WHERE near what a shark needs, and you are all educated enough to know this! sharks, ALL sharks even the smallest cover MILES of territory......
Dont be so harsh when people ask questions just because they dont know, if you ask me, even if you have a 10,000 gallon tank you still dont have enough room for a shark and you know it. Because a 10,000 tank to even one of the smaller species is like you never leaving your bedroom.
Its not cool.


If you think about it you'd realize that dolphins are A LOT
smarter than sharks so obviously they need more stimulation to keep them happy which aquarium life can't provide. Do you ever see sharks playing with each other in the wild like dolpins do? No. Thats because they don't need a lot to keep them happy. You know why sharks cover miles of territory? To find food and breed. They don't do it for fun.


You guys must all be able to read sharks minds, because no one will ever know really what creatures are thinking, so I dont think its fair for either of you to make asumptions, LEAVE DOLPHINS AND SHARKS IN THE OCEAN!


It not fair for you to make assumptions about your fish either, you don't know what they're thinking. LEAVE FISH IN THE OCEAN!


Your new so I'll be nice. Let me ask you this, what kind of fish do you have? Tangs? Triggers? Blah Blah Blah? Do you think they only cover 8-20 SF in the wild? NO probably not. So aren't you mistreating your fish? There is no way that your tank is large enough to simulate your fishes territory in the wild!! You animal abuser you! Shame Shame. Go hug a tree. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by NOVICE150:
Your new so I'll be nice. Let me ask you this, what kind of fish do you have? Tangs? Triggers? Blah Blah Blah? Do you think they only cover 8-20 SF in the wild? NO probably not. So aren't you mistreating your fish? There is no way that your tank is large enough to simulate your fishes territory in the wild!! You animal abuser you! Shame Shame. Go hug a tree. :rolleyes: </strong><hr></blockquote>
Thank You!!!!


Active Member
many sharks, although they do not completely stay in one area, do not swim alot, the nurse shark kinda louges most of hte time, then maybe will move to find food
in fact many sharks, do swim, BUT to search for food, need proof
provide a constant supply of food, and then tag 2 or 3 sharks, with transmitters, tehn see hwo far they go, as long as theer is plenty of food source for them, they generally do not go far at all, and this is true of most species
many speciesa ctually in the waild make a home in a general area, and this revolves around food, and they often do not go far, reef sharks, generally stay in a certain area, raggy toothes, , now your open water species often move muvh more, but you generally find them either near or seeking a food souce, sharks are hunting and eating machines, this is all that they do, hunt and eat, their existance revolves around those 2 aspects
besides, this guyclaims to be a marine biologist, adn asks questions like this, and responds with wierder answers yet, a marine biologist should know a bit mor than that


ok here's a thought . . . would it be possible to keep a dolhin fish in a tank??? I have caught some that are no more than 4 inches long, it is amazing what those buggers will hit. anyway, yes i do know they grow quite fast, and this is also a hypothetical queation, what abouta donut pool with current flowing in one direction? like the lazy river in water parks. thoughts ideas?


Active Member
since you have caught them you know of their swimming habits, very strong and fast swimmer,
so i would think a very large aquarium(50,000 plus maybe), since they grow so fast, like 18 inches in a little over(or under, i can't remember which) a year, and in 4, over 4 ft(at this age, they would need hundreds of feet of swimming room), the really large ones are only 3 to 4+/-yrs of age(they are the fastest grownig fish in the ocean)
what would be so cool, would be to have some, so you could catch them regularly, soooooo mcuh fun(the sportsman talking there), and such a beautiful fish
but based on knowledge and experience, i would guess maybe, if hte tank were near large enough and you could meet the needed conditions(warm enough water and all) and the food supply, as you mentioned they eat nearly anything, but anything is possible given all conditions are met