Originally Posted by
Angler man
Okay, a third time and I hear a few "Gods" in there, so maybe there were just a few wack jobs screaming Obama, or a few religious people screaming God. Either way, creepy.
No doubt it's creepy...100% agree. But here's some problems I have with it:
1) It's dated 2008...surely someone like "snoops" would have brought this forward before now. They have no record of it.
2) This is recorded from a cell phone video....so quality is lacking to say the least.
3) The chick's wearing a priest odornmant (whatever you call those things). Not saying that some extremist couldn't wear those, but it's most likely that this was a religious gathering and she was legit. They are reciting from a script, much like the Methodist do.
None of this changes my perspective on the current office holder, and/or his changes that will cost me for the rest of my future grandkids lives, but just calling this one as I see it.