Don't know much about them?


New Member
:help: Does anyone know anything about Scooter Blennies? I would like one, but don't know much about them! Please help!
Also while i'm here, do you have to spot feed all corals?


Active Member
Scooter Blennies have much the same specific dietary needs as a mandarin. They require a large supply of pods to remain healthy, very few will eat anything besides pods. You'll need a minimum of 100lbs of LR and/or a large refugium to maintain a pod population. Most LPS's will need to be spot fed.

bang guy

'pod = Amphipods, Isopods, Copepods & Ostracodes. These little bugs are the primary food for Dragonettes (Scooters & Mandarins).


It's possible to get it to eat other stuff too -- before my lobster decided to make a meal of my Mandarin, it was eating frozen brine on a daily basis. I'd only had my live rock for probably a month when I first got him, and he survived several months and never showed any signs of being sick/hungry/etc.