dosing my 29 gal, kalkwasser, how much?


Active Member
....going to have the aquadose in sump, how much kent marine kalk should i use.and what should i mix it with and how much drip? thanks

bang guy

Howdy Dan,
Since you have "lots of corals" I would suggest starting with 1.5 teaspoonfulls of Kalk powder per gallon of fresh topoff water.
Since you have a doser your best bet is going to be matching the doser to your evaporation rate. For best results time it so the dosing starts after lights out and finished just before lights on if that's possible. A float switch for turning the doser on and off is pretty handy too. If you have a refugium lit RDP then dosing 24/7 works best.


Active Member
ive got a hang on fuge, yes.
so in the kent marine aqua dose add 1.5 teaspoons per gal?
the thing is 1000 ML i guess.
do i mix it with RO water or salt water?
i dont kno whow to hook it up to a id leave it on all the time i guess
thanks bg


1000 ml is about one quart, so maybe half a teaspoon of kalk powder and mix with RO/DI water or the nearest substitute you have, don't mix with saltwater. Idea here is to topoff your evaporated freshwater.

bang guy

I would suggest you mix the kalk in a gallon jug, 2/3 gallon of RO water, 1 tsp Kalk powder. Shake it up reall good and then let it sit until the water clears. Fill your doser with only the clear liquid, not the sediment on the bottom, nor the scum film on the surface. After you do it a few times you'll probably get a better feel for it.