Dosing Pickeling Lime w/Reactor


Active Member
I plan on using Mrs. Wages in my Kalkreactor, but I have several questions about amounts to use? I think I read that 2 cups would last me 2-3 weeks, is that true? I have a very large reactor and want to know how much I should use?
Also does my Alk have to be at normal-high levels before I start dosing? It's at 8.6 right now, but I was wondering if it would be a better idea to do a 30% water change before I start the reactor, to maybe bring it up, or maybe add a Alk buffer to bring it up to a much larger number?


Active Member
What is your Ca level at? Alk of 8.6 is pretty good, as long as Ca isn't way low. If both of those are in check, I would go ahead with using the K-reactor as it's designed to maintain current Ca/Alk levels.
I would be hesitant to use Mrs. Wages in a K-reactor because of the risk of getting impurities into the tank. Also, Mrs. Wages could wreck your mixing pump prematurely. Hopefully Bang or Kip will provide some more detailed answers.


Active Member
How is the reactor mixed? You might have problems with that much kalk in a mag stirred unit. I dump about 1 cup every month or so in mine......:thinking: that reminds me

nm reef

Active Member
Interesting discussion. I don't use a reactor yet...eventually I probably will...but for now I still mix and drip kalk to replace evaporation. Premitive ...but still effective.
It is good to see reactors discussed time ya'alls experience will probably help me set one up for myself.


Active Member
I know there are mixed opinions about pickeling lime, and I have my work cut out for me on making a decision between that and kents. But since I'm using such a huge reactor and only use a cup or two at a time, inpurities will be very minimal if any and stay to the bottom. I'm kind of convinced by Kip's conclusions.
But still the question on hand, how much should I use for such a big reactor...can you add too 4-5 cups? And should I raise my dKH level?


Active Member
Should I do a water change before starting the reactor? I thought that it was ideal to go beyond NSW parameters?...450-11 or something like that. And then by dripping kalk it would sustain those levels?
Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm sorry that i keep touching on the same subjects constantly but I'm very conscientious and I just want to get these things right the first time.
As for SPS, I'd like to add some Montipora and other lower high light ones, so I do want to have higher limits.


Active Member
My apologies...calm down chief! Its mixed with a MJ1200, similar to Kip's and PM design. I will post pics tomorrow.


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
hello, is there anybody there? HELLOOOOoooooooo
How is the reactor mixed?

Can you give me any pointers?


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
pump stirred is fine... magnet stirred can be sketchy... you should be ok with the maxi jet... i used a MJ900

Took the words right out of my mouth or should I say from my IM.
I've used both and found the pump stirred units to be a little more user friendly but also a little more maintenance. You still might have a problem if you add too much powder to a pump stirred unit but 1-2 cups should be fine (depends on how big it is)
Most of the guys I know who run reactors use the same Calcium Hydroxide I use (probably because I had 1400 pounds) From what I have read, Mrs. Wages isn't all that great to use in a reactor.


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
yes, let it be known.. that mark did partly advise me on building a k-reactor
evidently he needs some attention and praise and wants a little spotlight
all the glory is yours mark

lol, I just thought maybe the guy might want to hear from somebody who has actually USED one before. Like always you talk a lot about stuff you have absolutely NO experience with.
its just funny how you take myothers IM's and transfer them right to the board.

You have to forgive Kip, he gets upset when the truth comes out.
BTW, I use Food grade Calcium Hydroxide


Active Member
I guess I know who to contact when I need the real 411. Thanks again. BTW...where can I get that food grade stuff? I was about to order a ton of that Mrs. Wages...I'm glad I didn't. Maybe I should just go with Kent's until I find some of the stuff you've used and works.


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
no worries about toes.. mark and i step on each others toes from time to time... all in good fun

Originally posted by Kip4130
i dont even know how to respond to what mark said.... i just wonder why the attack

Attack? I thought we were stepping on toes and it was all in good fun? :confused:
Originally posted by Kip4130

evidently he needs some attention and praise and wants a little spotlight

This is the one that really cracks me up. I post what I've done. You post what others have done to get praise. And I'm the one looking for attention:rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
yes, let it be known.. that mark did partly advise me on building a k-reactor
evidently he needs some attention and praise and wants a little spotlight
all the glory is yours mark

same here
you can dish it but you can't take it

bang guy

Hey you two - knock it off. I respect both of you a lot and it pains me to see you bicker at each other. Everyone has a lot of good information to add, let's keep it there.

I have a request from the both of you. I tested once again and I cannot see a difference in a reactor that is stirred and one that is not stirred as long as the water comes from the bottom and travels through the powder.
Can one or both of you stop stirring for a time and test the output of your reactor for saturation? I'm getting 800ppm on the output stirred or not stirred.
In my experience Balls has more dark bits of precipitate left behind as compared to Mrs. Wages. I found that Kent leaves no noticeable discolored precipitate. Argicultural Lime has about 5 times the precipitate as Balls Pickling Lime.
Just an FYI :D

bang guy

Yep. Salifert tests also have reagent saving testing instructions that are not quite as accurate, but probably close enough for this.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Can one or both of you stop stirring for a time and test the output of your reactor for saturation? I'm getting 800ppm on the output stirred or not stirred.

man, you really know how to tick me off. You came up with something I've never tested and should be I have to do some work.
FWIW, I haven't recharged my reactor in two months. I'll test it now and test it after the recharge.
Good idea Bang
Of course we can do it both it through the bottom without mixing (your way) and then run it through with mixing.

bang guy

I can't even guess at why you are seeing numbers like that. Is there any chance that your Kalk powder has been contaminated with salt or something like that?


Active Member
I getting ready to setup my reactor. Once I add the Kalkwasser (400g) into the reactor and then fill with water, how long should I mix it or let it sit, before I start dosing?