Dosing Question - Verifying my understanding


I've been doing a 10% water change weekly. My calcium is stuck at 360 using Instant Ocean Reef Salt. I was going to do 2 part dosing to raise my calcium to about 420-450. However I've been searching and reading on these forums for the last several hours and I think the best way is to start with Kalkwasser.
Now while I've read a lot tonight, I found one article that I know most of you have seen, that involves the chemistry of using 5% acetic acid distilled vinegar with kalkwasser to increase the calcium and bicarbonate ion output of the drip process.
I'm wondering if any one mixes up there kalk like this. If so could you confirm my math. The article says to start with 5ml vinegar per quart and 1/2 tsp Kalkwasser per quart. I mix my top off in a 5 gallon bucket which lasts me about 1 week between refills.
If I'm correct there are 4 quarts to a gallon. 5 Gallon bucket is 20 quarts.
So I need to mix 5ml Vinegar x 20 quarts = 100 ml vinegar per 5 gallons total solution
I would also mix 1/2 tsp Kalk x 20 quarts = 10 tsp Kalkwasser per 5 gallons solution
Now.. my understanding is I mix the kalk with the vinegar first to take advantage of the CO2 levels in the vinegar and maximize production of calcium and bicarbonate ions. Then I dillute it with the RO/DI water. This is what I use for my top offs for the week which will in turn raise my calcium levels over time.
Does it sound like I understand this well enough. Don't want to jeopardize my tank in any way.

bang guy

Limewater works but I think you need to start slower. Start with a tsp of lime per gallon of water. It needs to be dripped in over a period of time. Attempt to match your evaporation rate if you can. Dripping overnight is more beneficial than dripping only in the day but most people drip 24/7.
Skip the vinegar for now, I doubt you need it.
If after a month Calcium and Alkalinity are still not up to where you want them increase the dosage to 2 tsp per gallon. Then 2.5 tsp/gallon. If that's still not enough then start adding the vinegar.


My tests last night were Alk - 8 and Calcium 360.
Alk seems fine right now. It's average from what I've read. I don't notice any swings in pH at all. I usually test before bed.
Is limewater better then then a mix like Kent Kalkwasser? Is it less concentrated? Can I buy it at walmart or a local grocery store, I don't think I've ever really seen it.
Thanks for the info. I will look into getting a mag test kit as well.
I didn't realize it, but i do have a lot of snails and the addition of some SPS this last week may be effecting my calcium levels. I think I will try the limewater method fist to see if I can get my levels up.

bang guy

A couple things I can clarify.
Limewater is lime (Calcium hydroxide) plus water. Kalk is the German word for lime. Kalkwasser is the German word for limewater. So, Kent Kalk is lime that may or may not be more purified that other manufacturers of lime. Pickling Lime can sometimes be purchased at stores that sell canning supplies. So can Calcium chloride.
When limewater is dripped into saltwater is raises Calcium and Alkalinity in equal amounts and temporarily decreases Carbon dioxide. If you only want to raise Calcium then limewater is not what you want because it will also raise Alkalinity. In your situation I believe limewater is a good fit.


Thanks Bang Guy!
I went to 2 grocery stores, walmart and ***** and no one had Lime (kalkwasser/pickling lime) mix. I called a pet store that is on my way home form work and they carry Kent Kalkwasser. I'm going to pick some up on the way home. I think its only around $10 for the 100 gallon size mix. That will last me a while.
The guy I talk toat ***** said I should use Kent two-part. He said they don't sell kalkwasser because no one uses it anymore. Said it was an 'old practice'. Seems like plenty of people do it here!!!

bang guy

Two-Part has a few advantages:
You can raise either Calcium or Alkalinity or both.
It also raises other trace elements.
It's convenient.
In the long run Lime is bad for stores because:
It's cheap.
It lasts a long time.


i took your advice Bang Guy. I mixed 5 teaspoons of kalkwasser into my 5 gallon bucket of RO/DI top off water. I let it sit for 2 hours and then tried to skim some of the "crust" off the top. I just hooked it up and we will see how it goes.
Should I test calcium every day for the next week or so? When will I notice a difference?
Thanks for all the advice.

bang guy

Leave the skin on the water, just try to avoid having it get into the tank as much as possible. The skin protects the rest of the limewater to CO2 exposure.
Once a week testing should be sufficient. No harm in testing more often. Chart the results with comments of dosage, and other events for reference.


I just checked it since hooking it up. I had to unplug my ATO for a day so it just started dosing this morning. First test jumped up:
Calcium - 360-420
Alk 8-10
pH 8.4
Pretty shocked it worked this fast. Do I need to worry about over dosing at this point. Its only dosed small amounts about 4 times over the day at most. I'm using a 3.5 gallon/hour lifter pump with a float switch. It comes out at a pretty decent rate when it triggers on.
I'm going away for the weekend and my father is going to monitor my tank for me (he has no idea what he is looking at though). Do you think I should stop dosing and just do a regular top off until I can get home and watch it myself, or do you think that 5 tsp Kalk in 5 gallons of water over the next 4-5 days will be fine?
Thanks for all the help. Hate leaving my tank behind!!!

bang guy

You should try to match your evaporation rate. Sounds like it's going in a little too fast.
I would not dose limewater while you are away.
I don't understand why the ATO needed to be turned off.

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by MarvelFan http:///t/391516/dosing-question-verifying-my-understanding#post_3473017
I just checked it since hooking it up. I had to unplug my ATO for a day so it just started dosing this morning. First test jumped up:
Calcium - 360-420
Alk 8-10
pH 8.4
Pretty shocked it worked this fast. Do I need to worry about over dosing at this point. Its only dosed small amounts about 4 times over the day at most. I'm using a 3.5 gallon/hour lifter pump with a float switch. It comes out at a pretty decent rate when it triggers on.
I'm going away for the weekend and my father is going to monitor my tank for me (he has no idea what he is looking at though). Do you think I should stop dosing and just do a regular top off until I can get home and watch it myself, or do you think that 5 tsp Kalk in 5 gallons of water over the next 4-5 days will be fine?

Thanks for all the help. Hate leaving my tank behind!!!
I would cease dosing while gone- I've used kalk for 10 yrs and it's easy to overdose if not careful. Mixed up kalkwasser can have a pH above 10 and as high as 12 so be careful. When first experimenting with it/setting up dosemeter - I'd test the tank daily just to prevent overshoots AND learn the stregnth of using kalk. I also occasionally use two part mixes such as "C Balance" and they work great - but also contain ALOT of trace elements - some that you cannot test for (values) in the adding this product to raise Ca alone can cause other problems in the system if alot is needed - as many trace element values can be overshot with no way to know until livestock start showing problems. Just my exp.
Also - reef crystals will yeild higher mixed Ca levels (and trace element) than just their basic Instant Ocean salt. You mentioned "Instant Ocean Reef Salt" so I didnt know exactly which you were using.


I use IO Reef Crystals. For some reason it only measured at 360 after water change. I stopped my kalk dosing while away and went back to just RO water.. I think I may dilute the Kalk I have mixed up and see if that makes a difference. I'll be able test when I get home Monday night to see how much my calcium levels dropped.