

Ok there is much talk on here about the bush vs kerry thing.. about the economy getting better.. which IMO is not but hey that is just me.. here is my question to you and a little inside facts about the draft.. first off all there is all this talk about bringing the draft back.. and has acctualy passed in congress so how far is it away or is it coming who knows.. but my question is.. weather you feel it is your duty to fight.. even if it is not something you beleive in. or do you beleive you should be able to chose yourself weather to fight or not.. and if the bring it back should the draft women.. as they want to be equals in everything else.. :nope:
my fear is when. NOT IF.. but when we invade iran they will draft


Been there done that and I am still doing it! Marine for 8 yrs and on my second tour to Iraq!
Yes is the answer!


TheRock Im wondering if you know my cousin. He is stationed where you are.


First off there WILL NOT be a draft, do not believe Danny boy over at CBS. Second the military is getting ready to get down sized (not a lot, about 3%) therefore they will not be holding a draft to increase it. The whole draft thing is pure propaganda! That being said if I am wrong (and I am NOT) I would be willing to go fight and die for my country, so long as we are not bombing an aspirin factory to get attention away from the Presidents day in court.
Well I guess I just labeled myself as a conservative. Okay by me though!
BTW, if you disagree with me that is fine and it is the beauty of our great country and the freedom we have. God bless America!


Active Member
Well, you couldn't keep me out. . . since i'm colorblind and, therefore unable to go to USNA, which, i had wanted to go to for college, what my new "plan" is to go to a credible college, get a bachelors degree (in what you ask? I'm not sure yet) and over the course of 2 summers for to Officer Candidate School in Quantico, Virginia, and then into the USMC. If that doesn't work, then, i will enlist. and i do believe, and very highly, that there will be a draft.


i tried to join the army but i have asthma and the dust in iraq is really bad for asthma i guess but i'd love to be over there helping out our troops not neccesaraly fighting for our country but i'd just like to be involved in a war
i'm not phsyco i just like to experience everything there is to experience i mean we only live once or so they say
but as for the question NO i do not believe anyone should be forced to do anything they don't want to ecspically in this the land of the FREE I take that as Free to make our own decisions but we all know we are not really Free. were as free as any one else is we have the right to believe what we want i mean we are forced to pay taxes on our land that we buy and maintain we are free to pay taxes on things we buy after we've paid taxes out of the money we are buying it with. I mean come on enough is enough there is a tax on everything i was just thinking how funny it is that we pay taxes on stamps. thank god for email.
i'm sure they'll tax that soon enough


Active Member
America can't be free if there's nothing protecting it. . . like many times before in American history young men have been drafted, different times, yes, but they answered the call no less. Doesn't everything have a price?


i agree we should fight when asked but i do not believe we should be forced to.
and i agree freedom isn't free but i just believe we should make our own decisions


Active Member

Originally posted by grovey
i agree we should fight when asked but i do not believe we should be forced to.
and i agree freedom isn't free but i just believe we should make our own decisions

Well then, if the government can't provide a fighting force suitable for victory, what do you propose we do? think of it like that. . .


my point is there is enough people now they don't need to draft i mean if they can afford to turn me down due to asthma and my buddy down for his corrected flat feet then i guess the needn't institue a draft because obviously they don't need people bad enuogh to take me when i ask so why should i go when they ask i say screw em' I have nothing but respect for the men and women in the armed forces don't get me wrong but all of them have choosen to go and there are plenty more waiting to get out of high school to go. i'm really glad we can have this discussion without getting all defensive and turning to children and calling names and such
i really appriciate your point of view and value your opinions


I am a girl but I will still answer the question...
My measely existance for the future of my kids... your kids?? Without a doubt!!! Just to back what I am saying, I enlisted in the Army in 91. During Desert Storm, I was 100% ready to "go down" for this incredible country.


just look at the stats.. it is closing in on 50 50... it is one thing to join and another to be drafted.. look at me back when i was 18 i was gonna join.. but did not have a diploma.. so they did not want me.. now that i have three kids i raise alone.. house payments and such they want me.. I dont see how that could be fair... dont get me wrong if there realy is a war against us.. I do not count iraq as a war. i would gladly help.. yeah i said help i am not going off to some other country to fight.. they come here and god help them.. because then you are realy messing with us.. I just dont beleive in a draft anymore.. we are free.. but we are not. and as for the faith thing said earlier.. not true you dont have total freedom in that.. look at what they did to communist and such.. even though they realy did nothings just had to be a goup of people.. not saying i am one.. in no way.. just speaking the way things are.
And i might not support the war in iraq but i will always support the soldiers over there.. my thoughts is instead of building up iraq for them and putting our economy into debt more.. either take it over completly and make it our land to. or let them get on there own way.. just go after bin ladin.. and spend the billions of dollars here on new jobs and schools.. because at the rate it going right now there wont be much of either in 10 years.
just the first penny of my two cents


My unit was the first on the ground in Afghanistan and I would do it all again. I havent seen any posts from the no voters. Lets debate!


okay let me clairify my stance on this as i just re read the original question my answer was to wether there should be a draft or not and i believe NO but if there is a draft yes i would go were they asked if they gave me the choice not to go i would rather not as my daughter could be rendered fatherless.
and i am the last male in my line no more of my family if i die before having a son.


And i might not support the war in iraq but i will always support the soldiers over there..

How does that work??? That is what they do , its what they are trained for. How does one support the troops but damn their mission. Isn't that a tru oxymorone? Hey everyone can have an opinion,and this one is mine.


i dont beleive in the reason they are there. they should be brought back home.. and as for supprting our troops and not the mission.. how do you figure oxymoran.. a have friends over there and lost one cousin.. so my heart is out to all troops.. i just beleive it would be better served here.


Active Member
Honestly.. i do believe my generation needs that draft... we do, and despiratly, we're a buncha brats that can't live a day w/o our PS2... fancy sports car.. coffee coolta.. we can't work a day in our life.. we mooch off our parents, we're punks, we're fat, we don't seem to care. We need this draft to clean us up.. to allow for some normality, we're the worst generation the world has ever seen, and if it continues with us, then it's also the last