The topic says it all. I seems like the drains are pulling alot of air down with them and it bubbles under water. The bubbles hit each other and become micro bubbles and are all in the DT. Will a Sock on each drain fix the problem?
Thanks in Advance
Can you place a plastic container of rock rubble in the sump where the drains terminate?
If so cut holes around the bottom for the water to escape and the bubbles will dissipate before they get to the return pump.
Thats a good idea but the sump is only a 20 long so that might be a prob. when doing this, the rock tub is outa the water right, then the water without bubbles flows through the bottom?
Not really, the rocks are to hold the tub to the bottome of the sump. The idea is to slow down the flow to the pump. It works even better if the holds point away from the pump.
this might be frustrating but im not sure how it will stop micro bubbles. The sump is divid into 3 10" sections. The first section has my two drains and the skimmer, 2nd is refugium, and third is the return.
Yes it is best to have the skimmer in the first chamber but I have mine in the last. I have no bubble issues and my skimmer still pulls mega skimmate out. Just my $.03
I was having the same problem even with using stockman standpipes cuz I have 2 sharp bends in the drains which couldn't be avoided. I put Filter Socks on them and it has stopped the problem. I'm looking for another solution so I don't end up with having to change/clean filter socks weekly to avoid them becoming nitrate contributors. but it fixed the problem and reduced salt creep caused by the large air bubbles bursting and spreading salt water over the top of the sump.
That actually works really well..
I did something similar with "nesting" of rubber maid tubs (because you can't glue baffles in a rubber maid)
That "additional" settling chamber may be all you need to stabilize flow and slow it enough to allow bubbles to rise ...prior to moving to next chamber...
It looks like mine xcept i hav that first baffle, which yeah i know does just about nothin, but it was my first poor attempt at DIY. You should see the silicone job. Prty....bad.