dream tank!!!


Active Member
let's say you just the mega billions lottery. you got let's say 5 billion dollars. describe one tank ONLY ONE tank that you would like. post tank size and shape and fish list and reef or agressive.
mine would be a 1 million gallon tank rectangular (don't know demensions) agressive with
20 black tip reef sharks
4 sand tigers
12 bonnetheads
8 white tip reef sharks
10 nurse sharks
12 leopard sharks
i definitely went a little to far
but you have 5 billion dollars as posted above. lets hear em
:cheer: :cheer: :joy: :joy:


Active Member
1 million cirrcular, with a place in the middle so you can walk into the center 400 tangs of all species i could find, 20 pairs of clowns, 100 large angels,1,000,000 cleaner shimp, 1,000,000,000 fire shimp, 2 million # of LR, 100 dwarf angels


I would do a huge tank with a great white. Then a bunch of little tanks around it with triggers, clowns, reefs, and anything I could think of!!


Active Member
I'd be happy with a 125 with nothing but sps and nifty fish that i'm not able to keep in my smaller tanks.
With a lot of money i'd get the best lighting possible for it and the best everything.. but thats as big of a tank as i'd desire.


Active Member
400-700 gallon tank (depending how big the wall is) - set up as a wall between the foyer and the livingroom room.
I'd go FOWLR with mostly HUGELY sized liverocks, and I'd keep a whole FLEET of lionfish. I'd have 5 volitans at least, and 3 or 4 radiata. I'd also keep a school of blue chromis for a splash of color, and perhaps 3 lemonpeels.
The aquascaping would replicate the side of a trench - one side of the tank would have rocks built up all the way to the very top until they were towering out of the water - the rock wall would be riddled with caves and ledges and nooks and crannies , and it would drop down diagonally about halfway out to the middle of the tank.
The middle would be clear, with rocks bullding up again towards the end of the tank, but nowhere near as tall as the big wall.
the sand bed would be deep - 4-6 inches, and pink.
oh man. I need to buy a house......


A tank with a FRIENDLY giant squid...that, miraculously, was accustomed to light and confined spaces.


Active Member
You are driving up my mile long driveway. I have invited you here to see the new house. You will be the first person who is not family to see the newly completed house.
You eventually reach the front door. You get out of your car, and look up at this mansion. You open the front door, and walk into the foyer, were you set down your keys, and stare at the glistening chandalier. I immediately walk through the door, and greet you.
You follow me back through the double doors.
On the other side, we arrive at the living room. it is a large living room, but it is several times longer than it is wide. On the left, you see a 72" tv, which has collected dust. You think the reason why is because no one watches the tv. All of the chairs and couches, are faced to the right. You understand why...on the right side of the room, the whole wall is an aquarium. You sit down.
You immidiately focus on the right side of the tank, which has a TOWER of LR. You stare, because this is a true reef. So many colors melding together, some moving, some not. I explain to you as you stare, that on the other side of the tank is the dining room, and on the right is the kitchen, so the kitchen has a (shorter) wall made of the right panel of acrylic of the aquarium, so you can see the reef in both of these rooms.
A white tip shark swims bye the bottom of the reef tower, toward what you thought was a sea grass bed. But the seagrass bed immediately moves...into the sand! It takes you a while, but you realize that it is a COLONY OF GARDEN EELS!
After a good thirty minutes, you begin moving your gaze to the left.
As your eyes move left, you see less, and less live rock... until you see the HUGE colonyl of jawfish! All popping in and out. Some with eggs in there mouth!
Your eyes continue to move left, as you sit in the comfiest chair on earth...their is almost no rubble left...but it is green...you begin to wonder what it is...until you realize it is a huge caulerpa/turtle grass bed! And you think that is pretty cool...but nothing special...until you see all 50 of my cb seadragons!
You are so astounded by their colors that you absolutely MUST get out of the chair, to look! you walk very close to the glass...face almost pressed to it...then you see something move...you are not sure what it is... so you move a little closer. You soon realize it is just a piece of algae, and immediately focus on the female weedy sea dragon, that has taken up an interest in you.
As you stare at her, something catches your eye again. You look back to the piece of algae. You convince yourself that it is just the current that was moving it.
Just as you are about to turn your head to this new male leafy seadragon, that has come to the acrylic, you see the algae move...its fins! You watch it, and soon realize that it is actually a ghost pipefish! You are astounded, and begin to look among the blades of turtle grass and caulerpa, and soon start to see the other 33 cb ghost pipes. Some are red, other green, still others multiple colours, that you find difficult to turn away from.
You are startled by my voice. I ask you to follow me.
You follow me to the left, assuming I was just taking you to the dining room. As you walk, you notice that the 2 foot sand bed, begins to get much deeper. Eventually, it is taller than you are! It continuos to rise. It eventually reaches the top of the tank. You still have about 15 more feet of the tank.
Eventually we reach a door, which you expect me to pass. But I stop at the door, and open it. Their is no light in here except for a flourescent light on the cieling, which is actually pretty far up, because after about 2 feet of shelves, which are mostly lined with scuba, and snorkel gear, is a flight of stairs. Pretty steep stairs at that.


Active Member
I pick up something off of the shelf, and toss it to you, and tell you to put it on. You soon realize that it is spf 50. You begin to put it on, as you see me begin to. once you are done, I toss a pair of sunglasses to you, which you put on.
You stare at the shelves for a few moments, until you realize that i am going up the stairs.
You quickly make your way up the stairs after me.
You finally get to the top("It is a REALLY tall flight of stairs, no one can blame you for taking a while", you say to yourself), where I have been waiting. When you get to the top, I slowly open the door.
Suddenly it is as bright as a day at the beach! It takes you a moment to adjust to the light, but when you do, you are astonished. You see an actual beach, with several beach lounge chairs, and a beach umbrella, which is most definantly need, because the whole ceiling is covered with MH lights! You wonder why it wasn't as bright downstairs, and realize that their is a wall between the aquarium beach, and the rest of the third floor.
I sit down in one of my chairs, and put on my sunglasses. You decide to walk to the waters edge. As you reach the water, you begin to see several types of crabs, roaming the beach.
You then look to your left, and see a small boat, with two rowing paddles. You get in, and row out into the middle of the tank where you look down through the crystal clear water...


Active Member
awesome description though
it's like walking on a beach and then finding yourself in a reef. that's even larger than a whole aquarium


i wouldnt use it on a tank... well maybe, lets see
pay off the house
pay of mom & dad cars
sell them and buy them new ones
keep mine(cuz ive always wanted an eclipse and i got one and would just have to keep it), buy a brand new eclipse, evo, bmw m3
complete new wordrobe
lots of jordans
i guess i will have some left over

maybee a 500 gal FOWLR
on second thought

buy my lfs, Denises, for the new bedford area people
and upgrade it


How about a clear acrylic house on the ocean floor in the reefs of the Red Sea
(which mysteriously never needs to be cleaned!! ) Oh ya, and another one in Hawaii, and one in Fiji, and winter home in .........


Hahaaaa you people need to get a better imagiantion. My dream tank is all of the oceans
haha cant beat that i got everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman133
Hahaaaa you people need to get a better imagiantion. My dream tank is all of the oceans
haha cant beat that i got everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman133
Hahaaaa you people need to get a better imagiantion. My dream tank is all of the oceans
haha cant beat that i got everything.
Yeah, but you would have to walk...swim...dive...ride a boat...plane... whatever to go see your tank.
Our tanks you don't have to go anywhere (well, in mine if you wanna get a tan, you would have to walk up ALL of those stairs)
P.S. how much do you pay for salt in a week for that tank?


Active Member
I would build a house under water made of glass so that the ocean would be my tank...

or maybe it would be the other way around...i would be in a tank in the ocean :thinking: