dream tank!!!



i would spend all my money on clothes,shoes and a huge house.


Active Member
Originally Posted by exile415
i would spend all my money on clothes,shoes and a huge house.
omg thats what i would do
i would also need a 100,000 gallon tank with 20 black tips 5 nurse sharks a mako shark 3 lemon sharks a few bonnet heads some more sharks 7 of every tang and 20 different pairs of clowns and tons more fish and a TON of coral!!


Actually it would cost much more thatn that so we should all put our money together and buy it, assuming all of us win the lottery!


New Member
my tank would be a hole that goes all the way around my house 30 tiger sharks swiming around, but would have a draw bridge for the ups guy so i could still get my fish delivered for my basement tank the hole basement would be a tank and when my friends come over this weak end to watch the seahawks win and go to the superbowl on my big screen they will all have to were scuba gear


Active Member
i would fill a full size basement and turn that into an interactive tank- you can scuba in it.
i will fill it with schools of lookdowns and longhorn cowfish.
not only that, but the filtration would be located on the floor above and the skimmer would have its own drain that runs outside the house.


i would get a really big shed and then get a pool or something and go scuba diving in it and stuff like that. it would be tight.


Active Member
k new dream tank

2,000g with about 5pairs of clowns 25tangs, 39dwarf angels,20butterflies and some other stuff corals inverts etc. :hilarious


Active Member
I would go with a 20,000gal FOWLR tank. And have a school of raccoon butteflies, and also a school a blue hippo tangs. I'd have some clowns fishies, and of course a colony of jawfish. To be honest w/ you I like the tank that I got...either that or that one dude w/ the beach


Active Member
I'm not much of a "tree-hugger", but I think 5 billion would go a long way to preserving some of the reefs we have.
How about a contest to discover the best way of preserving/propogating the great barrier reef. The winner gets 10% of the money and rest goes to fund the venture. (And maybe a new 240 for me and Mommy


New Member
If I got 5 billon $ I would get a Island and make a under water tunnel that leads from my
house on the beach and make the ocean my tank and I beleve it would be awsome


3000-5000g cylinder in the middle of the entrance to my mansion that reaches from floor to ceiling, and all u would see is a giant rock structure right in the middle that shoots up to the top of the water, and I would have 3 Green Morays with all of their heads sticking out along with a tesse or 2.


Originally Posted by connor
omg thats what i would do
i would also need a 100,000 gallon tank with 20 black tips 5 nurse sharks a mako shark 3 lemon sharks a few bonnet heads some more sharks 7 of every tang and 20 different pairs of clowns and tons more fish and a TON of coral!!

you couldnt keep 7 differant species of each some tangs arent compatible with the same species like sohals or something


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
you couldnt keep 7 differant species of each some tangs arent compatible with the same species like sohal or something
people like you piss me off sooo much.

first you dug up an old thread to be an ass
second this whole thread is not real
third why the hell even say anything its not like im goin to have a 1000000 or what ever gallon tank and even if i did i bet you they would be fine!!!!! the ocean has more than seven tangs in it!! once again your wrong,how about you go start another thread saying how your getting another tank with sharks and rays and then you can have everyone ignore you beacouse your always sayin stuff like that! guess what today im gettin a 260 gallon tank everyone im goin to have sharks help me pick some out :notsure: :notsure:


sinner's girl

I want a pair of lunar wrasse (min 125) and yellow tang, whatever size tank I need for that. I'd still have to keep the tank I have though for my stars (book says lunar eats serpents). So give me an 8 foot tank, whatever that is.
The tank would inwall of course, in the new house we built, and I'd have my own fish room. A closet for all the fish tank stuff. You'd be able to see the tank on both sides, living room and my room, or maybe my office and my tank room...depending on if i wanted to share.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moby
Looks like the dream tank theme sorta went sour, eh Phixer?

:hilarious Yeah, might be time to start another debate about ethanol or acrylic vs glass.