DSB... Finally


I have finally replaced my cc w/ a dsb. I wasn't going to do it until I moved because I move quite regularly, but I had an attack of hair algae that was just KILLING me. I was doing weekly water chgs (vacuuming the cc every time), and using only RO water. I had reduced the lighting duration and reduced the already small amt of food I was feeding the fish. Still, I was busting out the toothbrush every other day just to keep up! I think my major problem was I just wasn't getting the cc coral clean enough. I finally went down to the local Home Depot and bought some play sand. 150 lbs = $7.50 :). I really tried to find the southdown, and even argued with the HD guys that it existed and I'd pay to have it shipped out, but it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe the stuff really doesn't exist. Anyway, I had it all planned out. I poured a bag 'o sand into a 5 gallon bucket and shoved a water hose into the bottom. I just let the water run until it turned clear. (By the 3rd bucket, every kid in the neighbor hood under the age of 5 was helping out :) ) This was in hopes of reducing the amt of time for the tank to clear. I placed all livestock into other temp tanks filled w/ my tank's water, but left the fish in the main tank. I placed all the lr in a garbage can with wet newspaper on top. Then I proceeded to scoop out the cc. THAT SUCKED. I had no clue. After the first scoop, visability went to zero and I was scooping blind. I had planned on everything except that. Anyway, once the cc was out, I poured (slopped, splashed, and cursed) the 150 lbs of sand in, and replaced all the livestock. (not enough current, aeriation, or filtration to leave them in the smaller tank over night and decided to risk them in the clouded muck instead of certain death in the temp tank.) I put 4 little pouches of my cc tied in pantyhose on the sand to help seed it.I also proceeded w/ a 25% water chg to help clear it up. The next morning, nothing had died :D and the water was crystal clear. I was worried the powerheads would cause endless clouding, but they haven't. The sand is very fine stuff, but I think I rinsed out all the dusty, floaty nasties, and all that's left sinks back to the bottom right away. I did this just under a month ago, and I no longer detect any nitrates with my test kit. The hair algae is under control (much easier when it doesn't grow on the substrate as well as everything else) and none of my livestock perished :cool: . I think I should mention that though my wife was threatening divorce during that little messy project, home life has returned to "normal" and all is well again... for now - The other day at the lfs I just saw the coolest...

bang guy

Thank you for posting. Congrats!!
I'm glad everything is working as advertised.
Oh, BTW - Southdown does exist, but mostly on the East Coast.


Active Member
Bradybury - what type of play sand did you use - the Home Depot guys here think I am high or something ..... One guy even told me that NO Home Depot sells it or they would carry it. :mad: I am tired of calling around I am going to call some ACE Hardwares then just give up!


I can't remember the exact name of the stuff. It was the only playsand they had. Just make sure you get playsand. They had some quartz sand (really rough large stuff) and sand for mixing with cement, but the playsand is really fine, made of silica, and my bag said it was sterilized :)rolleyes:). If you want, I'll find the out the name next chance I get and let you know.


Active Member
would you please! WE have some quick-crete play sand out here ... but I would prefer something that was whiter and lush....
The local home depot also did not have play sand so I purchased the quick-crete playsand. I havent used it yet, since I havent set-up the tankl yet (still in the process of researching and buying). I was wondering if this sand worked just as good as the southdown before I use it.

bang guy


Originally posted by RichieRich2000
bang guy I am in Ohio is there any place close to here to get south down?

The closest one to you that I know of is in Buffalo. You could try tracking it down by phone but that sounds like a lot of work. Maybe it's worth it ;)

bang guy


Originally posted by disdominican
The local home depot also did not have play sand so I purchased the quick-crete playsand. I havent used it yet, since I havent set-up the tankl yet (still in the process of researching and buying). I was wondering if this sand worked just as good as the southdown before I use it.

IMO the quick-crete playsand has too large of an average grain size. I'm sure it will still work, but not as well.


I checked and the sand I used was the quick-crete playsand. The trick is, when you put it in the bucket and stick the hose in the bottom, the smaller particles get suspended and the larger stuff goes to the bottom. When you're done rinsing, turn off the hose and scoop all the fine sand off the top. there was only 2 or 3 inches of the course stuff at the bottom. The sand isn't as white and beautiful as the southdown, but my tank still looks a thousand times better than it did with cc.


Active Member
Bang, did you get your soiuthdown sand a t a home depot? THe reason i ask is because i work at one here in greeley. You dont by chance still have your receipt from the purchase do you? I was jsut wondering that if i gave them the UPC which is on your receipt, and teh equivalent SKU, what the store uses to id the product, i just might be able to get some here in colorado. Let me know if you still have the receipt, and i will do a littel research when i go to work.
thanks in advance

bang guy

Yes. I got it at HD. I probably have a receipt somewhere at home.
Will the UPC alone help or do you need the SKU also?


Staff member
I tried to get HD Southdown too, but no luck here in So Fla. Anyway, put out the bucks for LS and I can't say I regret it. My tank never cycled from day one.
In case any of you all are interested, here is the general particle size breakdown of 50lbs of Southdown:
14% 0.5-2.69mm
32% 0.3-0.5mm
16% 0.25-0.3mm
20% 0.18-0.25mm
13% 0.125-0.18mm
3% 0.1-0.125mm
1% 0.05-0.1mm
1% 0.001-0.05mm
10% course sand, 30% sugar size and 60% fine 0.05mm or less.
Additionally, Southdown and Yardright sand is the same sand, made by the same manufacture, just packaged under different names for different retailers.


Active Member
bang, the upc is really all i need but if you have the sku that would be helpful as well. Man you guys who have access to it should buy it and sell it on ----!
thanks again bang

bang guy

The only number on the receipt exactly matches the UPC.
090604201002 50#PLAYSAN 4.27
Jon... I'm perfectly willing to sell it LIVE by the pound ;)


Active Member
and how much per pound would you sell it for you rascal? BTW, what dept did you have to go to to get it? I am assuming its like building materials and lumber where they have the concrete bags, but not too sure. one last quiestion, on another thread you posted a link to an article by dr. shimek on the benefits of a dsb, do you still happen to have that link? i was reading it and accidentally closed the window and havent been able to find it since
thanks again Guy