dwarf angels


Do dwarf angels get aggressive with other fish or only other angels? Specifically flame, coral beauty, or lemonpeel...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpro32
Do dwarf angels get aggressive with other fish or only other angels? Specifically flame, coral beauty, or lemonpeel...
I don't suggest housing with another angel but it has been done. Mostly in larger tanks though.
Dwarf angels will hold thier own against other fish like the clown fish.


no i don't want to house them together i just want to put together my stock order. I need to know which of those angels will not be territorial so I know if I can put the angel in first or wait until later... so I guess I want to know which of those anels are the least territorial/most fit for a beginner


Be watchful of your nitrates, coral beauties dont have such a big tolerance of nitrates as other fish do, and i suspect thats what cuased mine to die. he looked fine one day and was dead the next.


Originally Posted by RotaryGeek
Be watchful of your nitrates, coral beauties dont have such a big tolerance of nitrates as other fish do, and i suspect thats what cuased mine to die. he looked fine one day and was dead the next.

nitrates are a big focus right now... i'm leaning toward the lemonpeel i really like how those look


no corals... i should just stop wasting time and give you guys all the details...
i want to put a dwarf angel in a fowlr setup with a dwarf lion, snowflake eel, valentini puffer, and maybe a maroon clown.
which of the 3 angels i named in the beginning would work best with this list in a 60 gallon tank?


Originally Posted by metweezer
Um... Do you mean which angel would taste best for your other fish

That bad huh?? The biggest threat would be the lion and since the dwarf fuzzy only gets about 5 inches on average I thought I would be fine.


Active Member
You have 3 aggressive fish there. The snowflake can grow to 30". The puffer can be aggressive as well and the lion is only poisonous.


Originally Posted by metweezer
You have 3 aggressive fish there. The snowflake can grow to 30". The puffer can be aggressive as well and the lion is only poisonous.
Alright. So your suggestion would be to stay away from the angel and just go with a pair of maroons?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpro32
Alright. So your suggestion would be to stay away from the angel and just go with a pair of maroons?
I am hoping others will chime in but I don't know how compatible those first 3 fish are. I'm not even thinking about the clowns. Are those 3 fish in your tank now?


Active Member
Generally Flame and Coral Beauty are considered more hardy and better beginner fish than the Lemonpeel, however if you want the Lemonpeel, give it a go. Dwarf Angels like to have a good amount of Live Rock to graze on, my Coral Beauty would not eat what I offered for a week, but he was fine just munching LR. They also do better IMO with good water flow....Aggression wise any of the 3 on your list will do fine, trust me, I have far more "aggressive" fish in my tank than you, and my Coral Beauty is afraid of none of them, including the larger Asfur Angel.
Give me a vote...I go Flame for you...Absolutely gorgeous fish that add amazing color to any tank, Coral Beauty is a little more bold though.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Generally Flame and Coral Beauty are considered more hardy and better beginner fish than the Lemonpeel, however if you want the Lemonpeel, give it a go. Dwarf Angels like to have a good amount of Live Rock to graze on, my Coral Beauty would not eat what I offered for a week, but he was fine just munching LR. They also do better IMO with good water flow....Aggression wise any of the 3 on your list will do fine, trust me, I have far more "aggressive" fish in my tank than you, and my Coral Beauty is afraid of none of them, including the larger Asfur Angel.
Give me a vote...I go Flame for you...Absolutely gorgeous fish that add amazing color to any tank, Coral Beauty is a little more bold though.

thank you very much and yes you do get a vote lol, especially since you have experience.. I do have a question though, I know they like to graze on rocks, but is that their entire diet? Also do I need pc's or t-5 to grow the algae? And I'm curious, what fish do you have with your dwarf angel?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpro32
thank you very much and yes you do get a vote lol, especially since you have experience.. I do have a question though, I know they like to graze on rocks, but is that their entire diet? Also do I need pc's or t-5 to grow the algae? And I'm curious, what fish do you have with your dwarf angel?
Both my Angels eat anything offered, Angels are very omnivorous (big angels typically need sponge in their diet, but not dwarfs), but as stated sometimes take a bit to adjust to "prepared" food. Your LR should do fine with about any lighting. My Coral Beauty is in a 240 with Asfur/Arabian Angel, Niger and Sargassum Trigger, Sunset Wrasse, Harlequin Tusk, and Sohal/Arabian Tang, I got him fairly large (3 inchs) in late April, and he has no fear, he thinks he's a big Angel.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Both my Angels eat anything offered, Angels are very omnivorous (big angels typically need sponge in their diet, but not dwarfs), but as stated sometimes take a bit to adjust to "prepared" food. Your LR should do fine with about any lighting. My Coral Beauty is in a 240 with Asfur/Arabian Angel, Niger and Sargassum Trigger, Sunset Wrasse, Harlequin Tusk, and Sohal/Arabian Tang, I got him fairly large (3 inchs) in late April, and he has no fear, he thinks he's a big Angel.

"he thinks he's a big angel"

your tank is a ton more aggressive and he is doing fine.. that is definitely reassuring. Would it be best to put the angel in first for me?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpro32
"he thinks he's a big angel"

your tank is a ton more aggressive and he is doing fine.. that is definitely reassuring. Would it be best to put the angel in first for me?
Ok, can you tell us more about the system. How much live rock? and how much turnover/flow do you have? Is the tank up and running yet? Sounds like no fish yet, just a proposed stocklist?


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Ok, can you tell us more about the system. How much live rock? and how much turnover/flow do you have? Is the tank up and running yet? Sounds like no fish yet, just a proposed stocklist?
yes this is all the research phase. No fish yet...
I have about 140 lbs lr but of course not all of it will be used. I'll probably end up distibuting 100 lbs throughout the display and the 20g sump.
My tank is drilled and elbowed up at the top with a 1 inch standpipe and the return is a quiet one 4000 which will be used externally. Besides the return I have a mj 1200. I'm not going to be keeping corals any time soon so I do not need a ton of flow.
Substrate will be live sand. I have 70 lbs of sugar-sized but probably wont be using all of it. I was planning on a 1-2 bed.
Did I miss anything??
Thanks a ton by the way