Would these two get along in an established 120 ga. reef tank if introduced to the tank at the same time? Other tank mates include: pair of mated Clowns, Royal Gramma, Firefish Goby and a Mandarin.
I just added a bicolor angel to my tank today and my kole tang and him are fighting all over the tank..but the tang has been in the tank for a month or two so im sure thas why, hopefully the bickering ends soon..without a death of a fish or two
I have a Vroliki angel which is a close cousin to the Ebili. she is a great tankmate doesnt pick on any fish or corals. But as with all angels all are not created equal. every speciem is different.
Originally Posted by zanclus
I have a Vroliki angel which is a close cousin to the Ebili. she is a great tankmate doesnt pick on any fish or corals. But as with all angels all are not created equal. every speciem is different.
she eats just about anything. I feed frozen Formuala 2, Mysis shrimp DT's oystereggs, Formula 2 flakes and pellets, Nori on a clip. You name it she eats it .