dying clown


Active Member
I had 2 clowns as of last night, we noticed last night there was 3 bristle worms i think that is what they are called in a rock that he was hanging around by this morning he was acting weird now he is dead his stomach seems very bloated could the worm have done something to him ????? the other one is acting fine


I am not sure why he died. You will have to wait for the experts to answer that question. Also sorry for your loss.


The Clowns are in the uncycled tank? If so thats the reason for your lose and you should take the other one back if you don't have a QT tank.


Active Member
Any ammonia at all is fatal to fish. Don't add anything you cannot test for.
The LFS is selling you a bunch of crap.
IMO I would never go back to those money grabbers. Thats all they want is your money.
It is horrible to cycle a tank with fish. It burns their gills and can/will kill them (done).
Do you have any new sw mixed up yet?
Get a clean container like a 10 gallon tank or 5 gallon bucket (new and clean). Mix your sw as directions say with ro/di water NEVER tap water. Place a heater in there and a powerhead. The new sw needs to mix, heat and stabilize. (24 hrs) And then do a 10-15% water change in the main tank to help get the ammonia down.


Active Member
Man I hate MOST LFS. I fault the hobbiest here to for not doing their homework. Slow down and start reading. Do not add anything else until the tank is cycled. 4-6 weeks


Active Member
Originally Posted by jessica47421
will the tank cycle if i have fish in it ?
yes, but may end up killing that 1 too.
We cycle tanks these days with a raw shrimp and live rock.


Active Member
trust me i have read all the books that the library had and i have read alot on line but the problem isnt not doing home work its that everything you read there is a different way to do it , i have read alot that ur suppost to cycle with a fish and then i read ur not so what do u do ???? i already have it and they wont take it back so i dont know what to do i was also told not to do a water change during cycle so should i ? i am sooooo confused, i just wish there was one right way to do all this so there isnt so many stories, i dont mean to be mean but its just im trying so hard to get this off on the right foot and it seems there is so much of ppl telling u ur doing wrong when i just did what the books and the ppl at the lfs told me to do, i knew nothing about this site until i got the fish so im sorry.


Whats done is done and you learn from your mistakes. You can cycle a tank with Damsels, due to their extreme hardiness, but even still I don't agree with that because your putting a fish at risk during a cycle. From my research, this site is great to ask questions. Hopefully your Clown will make it.
As for cycling you should wait til the Ammonia and Nitrites spike then drop to zero. Then the Nitrites convert to Nitrates and at that point you should be good to go. This is when you know the bacteria is established. I've included an illustration that breaks it down..


Active Member
Damsels also often are injured and killed during a cycle.
People tend to not care though since they are cheap.
Remember, Clowns are Damsels.