dying corals!! please help

hi, my friend who has a 10 gallon reef rceently bought acans, i believe 2 days ago, from the lfs. today he decided to frag them off of the plug they came on. we put both calcium and salt on the acans after fragging. then when we put them in the tank, it appeared as if the colors where desintegrating off of them in a mucus form.. any suggestions.
Flower, after fragging he deicded to put a drop of calcium on each polyp and a couple grains of aquarium salt on each. (he said that is what the LFS told him to do)
abeandulu, he fragged them by using a razor blade under the main rock to take away most of the connection to the plug and then used a thin screwdriver to pop it off, i know it wasnt a good idea however he decided to do that anyway
i went to his house to check on them today, they stopped producing the mucus and also had barely any color


Acans have a skeleton. You cant use a razor blade to cut it away. If it was attached to a plug, you should have removed the skeleton (rock) from the plug.
ok, i will tell him that for his future corals, hopefully this one can leg it out. thank you. please check out some of my other posts


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Natesreef1997 http:///forum/thread/383578/dying-corals-please-help#post_3356334
Flower, after fragging he deicded to put a drop of calcium on each polyp and a couple grains of aquarium salt on each. (he said that is what the LFS told him to do)
abeandulu, he fragged them by using a razor blade under the main rock to take away most of the connection to the plug and then used a thin screwdriver to pop it off, i know it wasnt a good idea however he decided to do that anyway
i went to his house to check on them today, they stopped producing the mucus and also had barely any color
Well to start with a cap full in a 90g is enough, and the label has a warning not to over do it, and not add too much too fast, so a drop on a stressed coral...well no wonder it's sliming up, ah but your still not finished... raw salt as well, so now you made sure it's dead if the OD of calcium wasn't enough. I have never take anything off a plug, I let the coral over grow onto a rock and the plug makes a nice nub to attach to a rock. So it was all for nothing, something that wasn't necessary..
Have your friend take the picture you showed us to the idiot at the fish store and show him his handywork.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Natesreef1997 http:///forum/thread/383578/dying-corals-please-help#post_3356405
ok, next time we go, i will show him.and i will let my friend know to leave the corals on their plugs.

At least until he learns what he is doing. Most (not all) corals should be dipped in Lugals coral dip to make sure bad critters are not hitchhiking. Do research on the coral of choice to see if your system is set up for it, lighting, temps, placement, PH and such, plus any possible fish that you might have that would nip or eat it. These are the things to concern yourself with when dealing with purchasing a new coral. If it looks ugly on a plug is at best the LAST concern.
To be honest, either your friend misunderstood what someone was telling him, or giving him bad advice on purpose. I can't imagine anyone giving such stupid advice and work for a fish store. Who in the world would salt a coral like it was food..


this post is about my acans. to start off, my parameters are fine. secondly my friend here aiding in all this chaos. he thought it would be cool to frag it so we took the skeleton off the plug and i admit i did pop it off with a screwdriver, but it gave it a clean cut nto leaving anything on the plug. my friend also soaked the razor in calcium before we used it. it was also him who decided to put the calcium on each polyp. i was very displeased with the lfs employee for giving me this false information. after explaining the situation of how it was developing mucus, which started a day before i fragged it, the man told me to put raw salt on the bottom of the coral and to also put it on the polyps themselves. i didnt know if this was right, but after going to this store and seeing all their beautiful corals and all their success with acans and other soft corals i trusted them. and going back to the acans needing bright lights, the man who sold them to me clearly explained acans do not need bright lights. i would say i have medium lighting for my tank size. if anyone has anymore suggestions for corals in the future please let me know thank you.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by juliansreef2 http:///forum/thread/383578/dying-corals-please-help#post_3356596
this post is about my acans. to start off, my parameters are fine. secondly my friend here aiding in all this chaos. he thought it would be cool to frag it so we took the skeleton off the plug and i admit i did pop it off with a screwdriver, but it gave it a clean cut nto leaving anything on the plug. my friend also soaked the razor in calcium before we used it. it was also him who decided to put the calcium on each polyp. i was very displeased with the lfs employee for giving me this false information. after explaining the situation of how it was developing mucus, which started a day before i fragged it, the man told me to put raw salt on the bottom of the coral and to also put it on the polyps themselves. i didnt know if this was right, but after going to this store and seeing all their beautiful corals and all their success with acans and other soft corals i trusted them. and going back to the acans needing bright lights, the man who sold them to me clearly explained acans do not need bright lights. i would say i have medium lighting for my tank size. if anyone has anymore suggestions for corals in the future please let me know thank you.

Taking the acan off the plug is not what killed it...the raw salt and calcium put on it did. Taking it off the plug was just not necessary. Taking a coral off the plug is not fragging it. Fragging means to fragment a large coral making it into many small sections of coral. Cutting it off the plug or rock is just stressing it.
Good advice is this:
Do research on what coral you are looking to get and make sure it can live in the fish tank you have. Make sure you have the right ..Lighting,PH, Calcium, Alkalinity, Phosphates, and whatever else levels the coral needs to survive.
Handle the coral by the rock or plug avoid touching the actual coral.
Check your new coral for hitchhikers, you don’t want any bad things introduced into the tank. Like aiptasia, , coral eating worms or nudies or flat worms. Some (NOT ALL) corals can be dipped in Lugol’s.
Lugol's Solution (by Kent Marine) $19 for 1 oz at LFS (I've seen it as low as $11 + shipping online, but in this economy I say support your LFS). Ingredients are deionized water, potassium iodide, and iodine. As a coral dip, use 40 drops Lugol's Solution to 1 gallon aquarium water and immerse coral for 10-15 minutes. And what critters (flatworm, red bugs, bacteria, parasitic snails, etc) are killed by this and what coral types should it be used on (zoas, sps, lps, mushrooms).
If the coral is damaged don’t buy it, you are not rescuing a coral you are bringing bad things into your tank to damage your other healthy corals. Don’t buy bleached corals, or ones showing the skeleton. If they have dark areas at the base..Leave them at the store, I wouldn’t buy corals with hair algae dangling off them.
After making sure your coral is free of bad critters..acclimate and put it in the tank. MOST IMPORTANT>.LEAVE IT ALONE! It’s stressed, it won’t want to open..it thinks it is under attack. Leathers will slime up, others will withdraw into tight balls. Give it a few days to open. If you notice the coral opens but not fully after a few days…
move to better or lower lighting or to an area with more current or less current to see how it will do in that area. If the coral opens and is happy..Glue it place using crazy glue GEL..Really glob it on the rock or plug, then put it in place and hold for 30 seconds. DO NOT GLUE THE CORAL, only put glue on the rock or plug.
Last...it is okay to buy coral from your LFS...however do your own research and do not hang on what workers tell you. With the web there is no reason to rely on some fellow trying to sell you a fish or coral.