Dying goniopora what to do?


Will a goniopora release toxins or anything bad into a tank if it dies. Its really receding and has a big open area in the middle of it so Im guessing its on its way out. I didnt know how hard they were to take care of and I got it really cheap. Let me know so I will take it out of the tank if its going to cause harm. Thanks!


and yes, it releases toxins, not just ammonia....if youre not running carbon, you might want to for a while....


Alright I took it out and put it in my quarantine tank. Should I just let it die off or throw it out or what?

bang guy

You can bleach all the organics out of it, rinse & dry, then set it on top of your tank to reduce further impulse buys. I think Impulse buying is the hardest thing to avoid in this hobby.
Good thing I don't have any money left ;)