eating healthy


I like to eat healthy really!!! But when i buy a cook book i cannot decifer between the good recipees and the gross ones. I get so discuraged when i make somthing that sounds good and it turns out bad so i have been making the same thing for a while and i am bored. help me please to spice up my cooking with some favorite healthier recipees. P.S. if it has jalepanos or green peppers no need to post those peppers have a bad taste to me.


Active Member
any type of chicken or fish baked, broiled or grilled with a vegetable is healthy... don't drown your food in salad dressings or other condements... What I had lst night was a great meal... Gilled chicken used lemon pepper, garlic powder and onion powder as a rub... then steamed broccoli with garlic powder... no dressings or sauces... it does get boring, so limit yourself on the "bad" stufff... dont cut yourself off completely cuz yo will start to crave and binge...and that is bad!!


yeah i know i just eat the same thing all the time i was just wondering if anyone had any good recipees that were healthier even if they took a little more time to make, like maybe a stuffed chicken

. another thing is i don't know how to make brown rice do you have to have a rice cooker?


Active Member
one of my favs is Chicken Taco Salad...
grill up some chicken... use some mexican flavored seasoning, and slice into cubes when its done...
prepare 1 avacado (over ripe) and mix with picante...
put lettuce into a medium bowl...
put aLITTLE cheese and some crushed tortilla chips on top of the lettuce...
add chicken...
use the avacado / picante mixture as a dressing...
Did you check the "Any Good Recipes" thread...there is some good stuff in that thread!!!


ya but they are mostly fatty cooking, you know the stuff that tastes good, but not necessarily good for the heart and i get heartburn when i eat fatty foods so i don't like to eat it.


Active Member
Check out "the Zone" cook book...there is some great recipes in there... the problem with eating healthy is getting your mind/body trained that it doesnt want that Big-Mac with Extra Large Fries and a gallon sized Coke because we dont have time to make something healthy... In todays society it is all about instant gratification... hence the reason so many people fail at diets, exercise and even aquariums/tanks...


isn't that the truth, i will try the book, thanks! But like i said i like to eat healthy and don't really like big macs and fries, diet coke is a weakness though. but i love motzarella cheese though. that and some carrots are my favorite.


Active Member
:scared: Diet Coke :scared: ohh my... you should read some of the new research out on diet sodas (cokes, pops whatever you call'em)...
I like moz cheese as well, cheedar cheese, summer sausage, carrots, cauliflower, cucmber, grapes, fresh strawberies, planters coctail peanuts nd my current worst enemy Triscuits...


I love to cook and yes, have gained weight the older I get. So I've been modifying what I cook, not cooking healthy "per saaay" just lighter. Fresh veggies, and like "ruaround" said fish and chicken grilled with herbs. Good tastes and not so boring. When you cook rice brown & wild, saute in olive oil a bit, add unsalted beef broth instead of water for flavor. It will usually call for more liquid than white rice, and cook a bit longer. You don't need a rice steamer.
I'll find some recipes for you, but ruaround had good advice with the food!


Active Member
The food network rocks!!! I try to watch it once or twice a week...
petieaztec what do you like to eat??? what is your main objective (other than getting the boredom and monatany out of healthy eating)???


Active Member
Something some people don't think of is low fat hamburger. If you put a 96% fat free hamburger on a wheat bun with low fat mayo (or some other fairly healthy sauce) you have a much healthier hamburger. I've got a recipe at home where you take some hamburger, add low fat Italian dressing (needs quite a bit to keep from tasting dry and I don't have the quantities in front of me), add blue cheese, add oregeno (I'm missing one spice, can't think of it but it would be good like this too). I can get specifics on this if you like later.
You can also make a fairly healthy chili dog. They make low fat hot dogs that are actually pretty healthy. Then I use a can of turkey chili. Heat both up and put on some wheat bread and maybe add some low fat cheese and onions and you are set. The hot dogs do taste a little different than normal so you might not like them if they aren't buried in chili. But I do.
Burritto's and most mexican foods are easy to make healthy. Since beans are healthy you can use them in most mexican dishes and you could use chicken instead of high fat ground beef (or use low fat ground beef).
There are steak cuts out there that are pretty low in fat. Same for pork chops.
Basically, most people think of chicken, fish, fruits and vegetables as about the only options for healthy eating. But nowadays you can get a healthy (or healthier) cut of most meats. Sometimes I'll cook something that isn't THAT healthy realizing that it's still going to be much healthier than going out in most cases.


Active Member
Here is a recipe that my EX used to make... I personally say it needs some meat in it it is...
Spinach Tofu Lasagna
1 box lasagna noodles (regular or whole wheat)
1 package of tofu (preferably silken type)
1 bottle spagetti or pasta sauce (plain or seasoned; I like ones with garlic and mushrooms)
1 pkg. frozen spinach or large bunch of fresh spinach
seasoning (salt, pepper, garlic powder, cajun seasoning, herbs, or anything that complements the sauce) - you have to judget the amount yourself!
1 small can of tomato sauce
Serves: 8-10.
Preparation time: ~75 mins.
Boil lasagna noodles - follow directions on package. Defrost or cook frozen spinach, or blanch fresh spinach. Crumble tofu in bowl with seasoning.
In flat casserole dish, start building layers: noodles, seasoned tofu, spagetti/pasta sauce, spinach, etc. until all used up. End with layer of noodles. Pour tomato sauce over top and bake in 350 over for about 45 minutes or until top looks done. Eat.


Active Member
Hey hagfish... its not that red meat and hamburger dont have low fat options...often times its the other health issues realated with Beef... i.e. prostrate caner, the human digestive system not being able to completely break down and remove, amungst others...
Dont get me wrong...I wouldnt turn down a steak for anything!!! infact if there was an way to get beef in IV form i would be hooked up all the time... I love steak...I have just stopped eating it and hamburger as often...
and we all know the old song about beans right...


Active Member
But like I said, it's healthier than a lot of options out there. Consider people who are reading this just thinking about starting a diet for the first time. Many people eat fast food every day, sometimes almost every meal. I figure that healthy red meats are a huge improvement over that stuff.
I find it easier to stick with a moderately healthy diet rather than eat only foods that have almost nothing wrong with them. Don't get me wrong I eat lots of chicken, some fish, whole grains, nuts, and healthy veggies like broccoli and cauliflower all the time. My basic plan is to eat pretty healthy during the week and eat whatever I want on the weekends starting Friday night. It's worked well for me for about 3-4 years now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
and we all know the old song about beans right...

There are definite downsides to beans. They have a ton of fiber though! Just keep away for a while.


Active Member
Hellz ya...I agree with your statements hagfish... My personal idea of a "diet" is whatever you put into your body... when someones says they are going to start a diet I laugh and ask them "well havent you been eating?" <---that the smart A.. that comes out every once in a while...
Like I stated before if you alter your diet and take away everything that you enjoy then you will end up craving and bingeing... there is nothing wrong with haveing a "bad food" day...
The other thing is frequency of eating and portion control... I try to eat 6 times a day, but very small portions... one of my favorite things is a cup of planters light salt coctail peanuts, 2 slices of cheedar, and a nice glass of red wine...


I like salads, sandwhiches, some red meats are ok like steak but i don't care for pork at all. I love chicken and turkey and some fish is ok. I don't like crustacea a.k.a. shrimp, lobster, ect.. I love spinach anything and using spices instead of butter and oils is what I usually cook with. I am getting better with eating a variety of veggies. I love the green beans and pea pods. but am having trouble with steaming veggies, i never put enough water in and burn my stuff, so any tips on that would be appriciated.


Active Member
depends on what kind of steamer you are using... if its electric there should be a "fill line" if you are using the metal colander the water should almost touch the bottom of the colander... you know your veggies are done when they have a noticable color change...


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
can't you use a pot on the stove with a vent in the cover
yes with a your veggies in the colander/steamer...fill the pot with water until it almost touches the colander...