I know so many people who won't eat shrimp unless they are deveined. I also know people who will eat goat, pig, and sheep intestines. What's worse? I heard a story on NPR about the newest craze imitation squid rings. Yep pig rectum. Might want to ask next time you get deep fried squid or you might end up with pig rectum for an appetizer. Yum
It depends on the shrimp source for me. Anything other than Gulf or Atlantic wild caught I won't eat. I have seen how they use outhouses positioned over the water to feed farmed shrimp. Yuck!
Sheep, pig, or cow intestines are not my favorite but at least they are cleaned well before being served or used as sausage casings. I just cannot imagine eating a farmed shrimp from Vietnam that hasn't been deveined
Ugh, the thought of it nauseates me.
Would you really consider eating that?