Promise, my LFS is great they had him in Copper for the first 3weeks and then held him for another 2 weeks for me. So he was basically quarantined for 5 weeks. Although he may have had ICH when I got him but I doubt it since I saw him every week and fed him myself. I am a firm believer in QT's now. Mandarin was bad impulse buy talked into by my wife.
Good idea about draining the water though, just be difficult with 175lbs LR some of which is glued together . But may not need to do it. He has been eating really well, gaining weight, and evidence of ICH is clearing everyday. He looks SO much better than he did the day I originally posted. He gets cleaned by the cleaner shimp a lot. So hopefully he may make it. If he does he will be the last fish I add.
Thanks for your help, I wasn't offended by your comments just very bummed on the issue of possibly loseing a great and expensive fish, not to mention putting the rest of the fish in jeopardy, because of a dumb move on my part in the first place.