

Just spent 2 hrs researching the Ecoaqualizer. Does anyone have any experience with this product? I read all about it and am skeptical but willing to try it. I am under no illusions that it will fix all my problems and eliminate water changes, but I like the foundation of the concept. Any imput would be appreciated. Just add a dot com to it for info.


Active Member

Nothing will magically "fix all your problems and eliminate the need for water changes".
Water changes are a necessary part of tank husbandry.What problems are you experiencing? We can help.Save your money.

tony detroit

Active Member
A privately funded research website bought one and ran a test on it and at the end they dissassembled it with photographs.
The "magnets" are about the size of watch batteries, the rest of the tube is empty.
This is probably the single best piece of equipment to waste money on at the moment.
If you really want to clean up your water, try UV or ozone, they do work.
Or, tape 2 refrigerator magnets around one of your pipes. Same thing.


promisetbg, like I said in original post i know it won't eliminate water changes, just wondering about a new product.
Now if you can come and get the ich out of my system that would be cool. Long story short a mandarin was added about 7 weeks ago (impulse buy) from LFS found now to have been lying. Mandarin had ich, Powder Blue tang gets ich and dies in less than a week. I leave tank alone, (do not add any more fish) for 6 weeks. None of my other fish ever showed signs of ich. Add tang last week which now is dieng of ich. I feed garlic & vitamin soaked algae sheets 2xday. What can I do? No way to tear whole tank down to get all the fish out. I guess I can just not add anymore fish again. What do you think?
Tony, thanks for the info, pretty much just as I figured.


I had one on my 55g. All the add info sounds really convincing and with the guarantee they give, I thought why not? It seems like a really great concept, but I didn't notice any difference. If I had to do it over again, I would have bought a sterilizer instead. Hope that helps.


Active Member
Please don't take offense,but this is why all fish must be QT'd before added to a display.
You say that the tank cannot be broken down to catch the fish to put them all in QT?
Why not...just try draining the water down,catch fish...replace water.In fact,use the water that you remove to set up the QT.Fish that are moved become stressed,they lose their slime coat,and become susceptible to ich.The tang you just added may have come in with the ich,that's why you have to QT.Setting up a QT tank can be inexpensive.


Promise, my LFS is great they had him in Copper for the first 3weeks and then held him for another 2 weeks for me. So he was basically quarantined for 5 weeks. Although he may have had ICH when I got him but I doubt it since I saw him every week and fed him myself. I am a firm believer in QT's now. Mandarin was bad impulse buy talked into by my wife.
Good idea about draining the water though, just be difficult with 175lbs LR some of which is glued together . But may not need to do it. He has been eating really well, gaining weight, and evidence of ICH is clearing everyday. He looks SO much better than he did the day I originally posted. He gets cleaned by the cleaner shimp a lot. So hopefully he may make it. If he does he will be the last fish I add.
Thanks for your help, I wasn't offended by your comments just very bummed on the issue of possibly loseing a great and expensive fish, not to mention putting the rest of the fish in jeopardy, because of a dumb move on my part in the first place.


Active Member
I'm glad he is doing well.I have had fish get a touch,and then get over it with good nutrition{garlic,Zoe,Selcon added to food}.
It's really odd that the mandarin came in with ich...very rare in fact.Dragonets have such a heavy slime coat,it generally keeps them from getting it.Gobies and blennies are the same.Not to say they can't ..
Careful on buying a tang kept in copper more than a few weeks{just for future reference} is very damaging to their internal organs,they are one of the fish that are more sensitive to it. Sometimes irreversable damage can be done.
P.S. don't get down on the wife for the 'impulse buy'...we've all done it...and the mandarin was probably very beautiful.I love mine.


Thanks for the info promise I appreciate it. Just got home from work and am going to check on him. And yes the mandarin was beautiful and may still try one in a couple of months.


New Member
you should have gotten a skunk cleaner shrimp. its a natural alternitive. its normal for these to eat ick off of most tangs. at the store whenever we see 1st sings of ick. plop a skunk cleaner in there and watch him go to town. Its actually really neat. sometimes the fish go in a trance and will let the shrimp spin them around (all around and upside down) its really neat how trusting the fish are in these creatures.


Smelsfishy I have 2 clearners and 2 fire shrimp. He goes to them but even they aren't enough. He looked really bad tonight before I came to work, maybe he will live out the night. I'll find out when I get home. Thanks for trying to help.