"EcoMod" Maxijet mod kit is Good



I've tried the DIY version on two of my 900 and both sucked. I ordered two of these for 15 a piece and I am very satisfied with their performance. They have 0 vibration and make no noise. One made a little noise for about a minute then stopped. They start up and rotate in the right direction very quickly. The output is diffuse and even. I really can think of anything negative about the Ecomod maxijet modification..


Active Member
i just ordered the sureflow mods today. 20 a piece but you get the neat brace and a slightly larger and wider bell housing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
i just ordered the sureflow mods today. 20 a piece but you get the neat brace and a slightly larger and wider bell housing.
I jsut put 2 in a 240 and they rock. I can't believe the flow they put out. One on each end of the 8' tnak and all the corals are swaying. Have been running 2-QOne 4000 in closed loop and just wasn't enough. I am thinking of putting 2 more of the sure flows and take out the closed loop totally.


Active Member
i was going to get the eco mod but it looks like hte sure flow mod comes with a magnet...is this true?


Active Member
neither come with a magnet but a strong magnet is HIGHLY suggested for these mods because when suction cups fail you will get a massive sand storm.
the sureflow does, however come with a cool magnet mount.
you can get very strong magnets at gaussboys.com
i just got the 80lbs pull force disk magnets that are too strong, the 65 lbs ones are likely the best option.


Active Member
Ive also been reading that the sure flow has a slightly wider flow than the ecomod because of the wider and larger housing.
I bought a sure flow kit several weeks ago and the flow is amazing.
Heres what you get:

And I also bought the magnet made by the same company, and here it is all installed:


Does the Sure Flow have "Anti Reverse-Flow technology"? That is one of the stated features of the Eco Systems ECO Maxi Jet Mod.
Just wondering if the Sure Flow had a similar feature.


Active Member
The sure flow has never made a noise like it is hitting a stopper and has never started in the wrong direction for me. I dont know what (if anything) there is that is making it start in the right direction, but it does.


Active Member
those are the ones i bought, they are uber strong, so most people are now buying the 65 lbs pull force ones that are a little smaller.


Active Member
nice. they are really cheap at 5$ a piece. i have never been able to find them for less then 25 each..thanks


Active Member
yeap, the smaller ones are even cheaper.
i didnt get a chance to put them together last night but i will this weekend and post vids / pics :D


Active Member
do the magnets come in sets or do u just get one magnet when ordering. in other words, do i need to order 1 or 2 to hang 1 powerhead?