New Member
I have recently upgraded from a 150 gallon reef to a 210, leaving me with a complete 150 gallon setup that has been running empty for almost 2 weeks, (By empty i mean no fish, just about 100+ lbs of LR) because I cannot decide what to do with it. Anyway, I have decided to start an agressive tank, (I really cant afford to start another reef,
and i was just wondering if anyone had some advice on eels. I would realy like to have 2 eels, (1 Zebra + 1 Tesse, havent really decide yet) however I fear that I might be pushing it in a 150. I would also possibly like to have a few, like 3, misc. fish, maybe a trigger, a puffer not really sure. Im more concerned about the eels. I have had smaller eels, snowflake, blue ribbon, ghost ribbon, but I have no experience with the larger moray eels, and was just hoping if anyone had some advice. I have been staring at this empty aquarium for 2 weeks and im having a really hard time deciding what to do with it. Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks a bunch.