eel advice please?


New Member
I have recently upgraded from a 150 gallon reef to a 210, leaving me with a complete 150 gallon setup that has been running empty for almost 2 weeks, (By empty i mean no fish, just about 100+ lbs of LR) because I cannot decide what to do with it. Anyway, I have decided to start an agressive tank, (I really cant afford to start another reef, :( and i was just wondering if anyone had some advice on eels. I would realy like to have 2 eels, (1 Zebra + 1 Tesse, havent really decide yet) however I fear that I might be pushing it in a 150. I would also possibly like to have a few, like 3, misc. fish, maybe a trigger, a puffer not really sure. Im more concerned about the eels. I have had smaller eels, snowflake, blue ribbon, ghost ribbon, but I have no experience with the larger moray eels, and was just hoping if anyone had some advice. I have been staring at this empty aquarium for 2 weeks and im having a really hard time deciding what to do with it. Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks a bunch.


well i dont have any experience with these (i only have a yellowhead moray and 2 snowflakes)....but if you want to do a moray with other fish you should go with the zebra. They are very docile. Tesses are known to atack fish even bigger then themselves. if you do a zebra you have more choices and tesselatas should have a specie only tank IMO


New Member
What about the idea of 2 eels, tesse + zebra in a 150? Would 150 gallons be sufficient to accomodate both eels without the addition of other aggressive fish? If not, does anyone know of any other large eels that I can keep together in this size aquarium?


Active Member
Originally Posted by justice16
What about the idea of 2 eels, tesse + zebra in a 150? Would 150 gallons be sufficient to accomodate both eels without the addition of other aggressive fish? If not, does anyone know of any other large eels that I can keep together in this size aquarium?
whats the width of your 150gal??? 5ftx2ft? If so i would not chooses the tesse, choose another eel, I LOVE GOLDENTAIL MORAYS!! They are peaceful,shy, and do have those sharp teeth for display, and very colorful too.


The tesse would eat your fish if you are putting a couple in there I have had my zebra for almost a year now and he doesn't bother any of my fish. Maybe a zebra and a snowflake would be great for the tank you wouldn't have to worry about upgrading cause they get to big for the tank plus maybe a couple of fish would work. Stick with a trigger and maybe a wrasse of some sort don't mix triggers with puffers or lions.


New Member
OK, so im going to assume by everyones replies, that a 150 (it is 72" / 18" /29" ) is too small to accomodate a tesse? Does anyone have another suggestion for an eel that i can keep in this size aquarium with a Zebra? (Photos would also be very helpfulalso :) ) I was trying to avoid a snowflake. I have had one in the past and was hoping to try something a little different, preferably gymnothorax. Thanks for everyones help and advice by the way.


I'm going to second Cartman's suggestion of a goldentail... Definately one of my favorites.


golden tail would be a nice additionthe are not very aggressive, dont get very large, and they look nice too. jmo