Eerie Manor; Our Halloween pics


Active Member
A perfect Halloween night: chilly, but no wind or rain. Over 600 trick or treaters and some great scares. The mayor of Erie even stopped by and chatted for a minute!
Day pics taken about two hours before TOT hours began

The dungeon scene. Two actors were stationed here and could squeeze through the bars if they wanted to.

The garage scene where the candy was passed out. An actor dressed as the reaper sat in the throne.

Night shots



Staff member
Wow, that is a pretty amazing set up for Halloween! Is that your dog in the door? If so, even he fits into to the eeriness.
Great fall color as well. Good job.


Active Member
Thanks for the kind words. Beth, the dog was nosy and was watching us take pics out the door. Ironically, it was the dog's 5th birthday; he was born on Halloween!
We get big crowds. People are at some points lined up 20 deep to go through. We also have a lot of folks texting/calling their friends telling them to see the display. Our numbers are consistantly high. It's a lot of work setting it all up but a lot of fun on Halloween night too!