egg crate question


I have read that one is not to use glass to cover the tank. I have MHs and was not going to cover my tank when my wrasse decided to take a jump. Luckily I was able to save him. I was wondering if egg crate would be as effective for jumpers if placed just around the edges for a few inches instead of across the whole tank. I have read on some other threads that it will block light from halides. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
it will block some light but eggcrate is pretty purous, i use it on my 300 gallon with regular flourescents and you cant tell that any light isnt getting through and i cover my whole tank with it , so i think you will be just fine


Normal egg crate will block a small amount of light. Having said that I think it would not be enough to see. They do make a special type that does not block and actually redirects the light downward. I don't know where to get it, but I am sure you can find it somewhere.

bang guy

It's my understanding that the type of eggcrate that redirects the light is only effective for flourescent lighting. It will still block light from MH.
**guinness** - do you have a canopy?


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It's my understanding that the type of eggcrate that redirects the light is only effective for flourescent lighting. It will still block light from MH.
**guinness** - do you have a canopy?
No, my mh are 6 inches above supported from the sides of the tank. the mh fixture is almost the same size as the opening of the tank.