Do you not remember the email from Britain's leading global warming hoaxer asking how they could cover up the fact that there was only a .2° C temperature change from 2000-2010 and the other researcher said to round it up to 2.5°C warming so as not to confuse the public and make them think there was no global warming? We had an unusually warm winter in the U.S. In Europe it was one of the coldest in 100+ years. How about the email where the Danish researcher admitted they used Winter pictures of the Arctic ice cap as a "before global warming" picture and then a late summer picture as an "after global warming" picture? Some areas are warming, some getting colder. We had the 3 coldest winters on record here in SoAz from 2008-2011. There is no global warming, but there is some unusual weather, like there has always been. Have you ever read or seen anything on the mini Ice Ages? How about the fact that there was snow on the ground in Philadelphia on July 4th, 1776? How about Miami had snow that stuck for a short while last winter? No, there is no "global warming", there is regional warming and cooling. But that is not even what I was posting about. People have played the "I don't really believe in global warming, but I'll pretend it is" to try to be hip and cool, but now that the people they supported are destroying our entire economy, the poseurs need to fish or cut bait. Keep supporting junk science to feel good about themselves and watch our economy crash and burn or throw these scientific and social luddites, like The Messiah and all these government teet-sucking global hoaxers, out on their ear and repudiate this junk science for what it is. But we are at the crossroad. There isn't anymore punting this down the road.