electricity in the water?



so whenvever I touch the water today it feels like im getting poked by a needle, but only in the places I have hangnails its really strange
this started just today and I dont know what to do, I figured out where its coming from, its the return pump from my sump, but I cant afford to replace it right now.
what do I do?


Active Member
you need to shut it off .it will only get worse.do you have eneough ph's in the tank to keep it going untill you can replace the return pump?
maybe add a ph to the sump.but you will need to replace the pump.alot of people are going with external return pumps just for that reason.i have a little giant pump external.


I think I have enough powerheads to keep the O2 exchange ok, but I wont have any filtration aside from the LR.
I'm not sure when I will even be able to get a new return,
Can I run the pump and just make sure to turn it off before I touch the water until I get a new one?


Active Member
if you feel it so do the fish.i ran my 250 reef for a couple years with just rock and powerheads.i just added a sump 6 months ago because i started adding sps.so just dont overfeed.you should be fine


I heard that fish can't feel electricity because they arent grounded.
How does all that work?


Active Member
i have heard that but i have also heard o f plenty of people waking up to a dead tank from it.i think flower had it happen.maybe she can chime in.


Active Member
Don't fool with electricity. Turn the pump off if you know that it is doing it. A short + saltwater could = bad news don't take the chance.
I don't know how long before you will be able to get a new pump but if you have enough rock and you don't over feed and are not overstocked you can keep the tank pretty well with some increased water changes.


Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/382630/electricity-in-the-water#post_3340737
Don't fool with electricity. Turn the pump off if you know that it is doing it. A short + saltwater could = bad news don't take the chance.
I don't know how long before you will be able to get a new pump but if you have enough rock and you don't over feed and are not overstocked you can keep the tank pretty well with some increased water changes.
+1.......the risks out weigh EVERYTHING....
How old is your pump? Do you still have the paperwork for it?


I didn't buy the pump, I am going to have to just buy a new one
I think its 700gph anyone have any imput on what new pump I should buy


I like the mag pumps.....a mag7 would handle your 700 gph
Of course there are other types out there....LOL....and other opinions


Active Member
Eheim.....Solidly built, lower electrical consumption, adjustable (their compacts) and less heat transfer to the DT water.......


so today I found a IWAKI WALCHEM magnetic drive pump in the basement from when my dad tried to to a saltwater tank back in the 90's
its external and looks pretty beastly so hopefully it will be able to handle the overflow, if not I'll just turn it down.
nothing like finding a christmas present from your dead father!


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///forum/thread/382630/electricity-in-the-water#post_3340923
Eheim.....Solidly built, lower electrical consumption, adjustable (their compacts) and less heat transfer to the DT water.......
I'm always hoping for more heat transfer, but everyone seems to like the idea of less.
Must be the metal halide folks :)
Seems to me if you cna get heat out of your electrical pumps and such that my 500w heater wouldnt have to come on nearly as often.


I still keep my room temp at 70 just like everyone else though.
I had a 150w jeager as a back up on my system when my titanium POS failed.
it was on 24 hours a day and the temp was going down down down.
I was just thinking that all my pumps in my tnak cannot possibly put out as much ehat combined as that 150 and even that was not nearly enough.
Seem like if they produced heat it would be more efficient
yet they sell them the other way around.
I could see if you are running MH's because of the heat and you are running fans and stuff to try and keep the heat off the water. but beyond that I just can't get it to add up in my little head


Active Member
Yeah Jstdv8 most people running MH's depending on canopy design they don't have enough air flow and evaporation to control the temps, and with the lighting driving them to the limit, with a pump dumping more heat to the water does send some people over their temp limitations, which then brings in the need for chillers and what not.


New Member
Not trying to steal the thread, but I would appreciate any responses.
90 gal fish and live rock. Well established, well maintained, 10% water change weekly.
All test in correct range. I also have a titanium probe in tank
The suddenly, lost one, then everything. Bodies discolored and fish rubbing against rock.
Inhabitants and date of loss:
Snowflake Ell 11-30
Hawaiian Blue Puffer 12-6
Lopez Tang 12- 21
FoxfaceLo 12-25
Sailfin Tang 12-26
Picasso Trigger 12-28
I begin to tear down and clean the tank and discover a Rio600 with the orange wire broken (the blue one was still connected). This pushed water thru the UV light and was running when I turned it off. Since salt water is a good conductor, I'm guessing it completed the circuit. Did this kill all my fish?
Thanks, Dave