First of all let me say I FEEL VERY BAD ABOUT THIS!! about a week ago i was doing some work in my tank when i noticed my tank heater had come loose from the glass (suction cups lost suction). I pushed the heater back on and went about my business. A few hours later after lights had went off i was sitting at my desk when i noticed a huge flash of light go across my tank. Aparentley I broke the heater glass tube when I pushed it back into place. I unplugged everything and found out what had happened and removed broken heater. The next day all inverts were dead except one hermit crab. I lost about six hermit crabs, 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, and about 6 snails, and have not seen any brsistle worms moving around at all ( I used to have alot). I don't know what else I might have lost (small feather dusters on rocks). I just puchased the small reef package from SWF to replenish my cleanup crew. But still this is horrible. All fish are fine (Percula clown, Blue damsel, Clarki Clown, and 4 Striped Damsel). This stinks.