Emergency PLZ help! Maroon pair spawning What do i do??


I have a pair of maroon stripe clowns and they are in a 55g established tank. They host a large carpet anemone. Last night they started laying eggs on the underside of a rock above the carpet anemone. I have all kinds of creatures in this tank..snails crabs clams other fish the little timy starfish a coulpe large starfish just all kinds of things. What will eat the eggs and do the fry have any chance of hatching if i leave them in the tank? Do i need to take them out and seperate them in a holding tank with the pair. I have never had any fish spawn before and i really really ewould love to have some success with these. Anyone with any info on breeding these babies please lead me in the right direction as far as old post about it....your advice and experience...etc...I would appreciate it alot if someone helped.


Bump..Anyone have any advice for me now to either move the rock or what? plz I want to get these babies the greatest care if can.


Active Member
I dont have experience in doing it, but I do know that in order for you to have sucess in raising the fry, you would of needed to prepare for this a while ago. Keeping a fry alive and fully nurished is nothing short of a full time job, with a mini science lab needed to culture phyto plankton and rotifers. There is tons of other things needed to know and equipment to have that I cannot offer info on. But to sum up, they wont make it in your tank and most likley if they hatch they wont live long at all everything in your tank will gobble them up. Sorry..


I do have phyto plankton and frozen brine but no rotifers. I have plenty of tanks set up and established with just plants in them and tons of pods...Would the fry be able to hatch in a tank with plants and pods?? i can get teh rotifers. i do have the means to do all this i just need to know what i need to do now with them having just spawned and still laying eggs now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Smork81
I do have phyto plankton and frozen brine but no rotifers. I have plenty of tanks set up and established with just plants in them and tons of pods...Would the fry be able to hatch in a tank with plants and pods?? i can get teh rotifers. i do have the means to do all this i just need to know what i need to do now with them having just spawned and still laying eggs now.
PM BangGuy, hes a mod and has done this successfully many many times.


I don't think there is much you can do right now. Start reading up. They will lay eggs again. There is a really nice thread at the bottom of the message board. Then you can google it. Knowledge is a great thing.


ive looked and scanned over the archives about the one big thread of someone being really succesfull breading these guys but it really doesnt go inot enough detail that im looking for. Ever since i noticed they started laying and spawning iv been looking everywhere for info..so far all i can see and find is get a tank put them in it with low flow and a bubble maker feed them brine phto and rotifers...I have to get more detailed info though I have been setting up a small 20 g tank and cleaning it...Going to transfer about 10 gallons from the main tnak to it and about 5g new saltwater. Put the rock in it and see how it goes from thier. But i cant find out if i have to bring the maroon pair with them for a while or if they can fend alone in a tank by themselves. I just dont know what to do at this stage when they have just been layed and fertilized.
Thanks for all the suggestions and uinfo

bang guy

Originally Posted by Smork81
What will eat the eggs
The pair will guard the eggs against all predators.
and do the fry have any chance of hatching if i leave them in the tank?
The eggs that were actually fertilized will probably hatch. The first spawn for Clownfish is usually not very successful. They will get better with practice.
Do i need to take them out and seperate them in a holding tank with the pair. I have never had any fish spawn before and i really really ewould love to have some success with these.
If you remove the pair they will stop spawning. They are obviously happy where they are so don't move them. They will probably spawn every 10 - 14 days as long as they are very well fed.
Anyone with any info on breeding these babies please lead me in the right direction as far as old post about it....your advice and experience...etc...I would appreciate it alot if someone helped.
I would suggest letting this spawn and the next several spawns go naturally while you research what's involved with raising the fry.
Clownfishes by Wilkerson is the best starter book I've read on the subject. It's sold here in the Book Section.


Well looks like through the night they ate most of them or wither they were dead anyway. there is not many on the rock anymore though. Im still reading though and seeing if i cant hatch some from this first spawn in about 5 days. %Thanks Bang guy for the info and thank you everyone else. I reallt dont have time to order a book so im just going off what im finding on the net.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Smork81
Well looks like through the night they ate most of them or wither they were dead anyway. there is not many on the rock anymore though. Im still reading though and seeing if i cant hatch some from this first spawn in about 5 days. %Thanks Bang guy for the info and thank you everyone else. I reallt dont have time to order a book so im just going off what im finding on the net.

If you don't have time for a book then you probably don't have time to raise the Clownfish larvae either.
The Clownfish will eat any unfertilized or dying eggs to protect the others. I still think you should wait for a couple months and get ready. That way you'll have a better spawn and you'll have time to get the pair in good breeding condition.

aquatic art

New Member
I am also researching raising the larva. There is alot of discussions but none of them tell you how much rotifers to feed the larva. Raising the larva and green water is time consuming. If you are like me and busy, wait until you can be ready for the work and have the supplies ready, my guys are on day 5 of their current spawn see pic. I have compiled a shopping list:Need 2 Bags of Rotifers
600,000 rotifers:each
Regular Price: $40.00
100 to 300 mm size

Food for Rotifer

One 6 oz bottle should work for 40 to 70 days of feeding
Add enough Rotifer Diet to maintain a light greenish tan color (light lime green to olive green) between feedings. Typically this will be 2 (See Color Chart attached)
Brine Shrimp eggs

Feed them after 5th day with Rotifers until day 10
Green Water (phyto-feast)

Feed them while the eggs are laid and while rotifers are in the tank
Now Directions: Please note I have got my eggs to hatch but not live yet!
My guys spawn every 10 to 12 days. and This is the 3rd time I have tried to raise them this year. I prefer to buy supplies from Reef Nutrition rather than mess with the green water stuff.
First: Put a ceramic tile were they have laid their eggs after this round is gone. Lay the tile so they will lay the eggs on the course side of the tile.
Once the larva's eyes turn bright silver they will hatch the next day. I chose to move them to a 29 gallon nano accross the room from my Display tank. This tank should be Identical in everyway to your display tank, Temp, all water levels and little less lighting. No Filtration only an airstone and a foam filter with something for them to hide in or around, ( use live rock ) Place the tile above the airstone so larva stays oxgenated.
Time for Heavy dose of green water
While your waiting for them to Hatch get your rotifer ready:
Starting your culture of ROTIFERS
1.Put the bag of rotifers in a 5gal bucket of Clean Saltwater at 78-90degrees and .19sal to allow it to slowly warm up.
2.Wait 5 minutes then open the bag and add the rotifer starter culture (2 Bag = 1.2m rotifers)
3.Add 30 drops of Reef Nutrition Rotifer Diet
4.Add Phyto feast daily but wait at least 3 days before starting to harvest them.
•Rotifer Diet to maintain a light green color between feedings. Typically this will be 2-3 ml's daily per million rotifers.
•Harvest at least 33% of your culture each day.
Harvesting Your Rotifers to feed Fish Larvae
1.Turn off your airstone for 2-3 minutes. This will allow the detritus to settle and the rotifers will float to the top.
2.Harvest as many rotifers as you need by gently scooping them off the top of your tank.
3.If you have a reef tank place the harvest in the Display tank until you need them for the larva 4.If you don't have a reef tank you will periodically need to clean your culture tank to prevent the detritus levels from building up and causing ammonia.
5. Replace water removed with same amount of water from the display tank.
You can place extra's in your display tank!
Now they have hatched I have had about 1/3 of them hatch last time.
They will look like little ghosts floating around.
Days 1-4

Feed them Green Water and Rotifers 2x a day for the first 4 Day, the light cycle should be the same as your display tank.
Days 4-10
Feed them Green Water, Rotifers and introduce Brine Shrimp Eggs
Day 10-20

Feed them Rotifers and Brine Shrimp Eggs and introduce froze brine or what you feed the display tank.
I hope this helps it is a quick example that I have researched and am working on myself.

bang guy

Originally Posted by aquatic art
There is alot of discussions but none of them tell you how much rotifers to feed the larva.

Good post!
To answer your question, new larvae are terrible at capturing food and they expend a lot of energy on near misses while they learn how to target. Initially there should be enough rotifer density in the larvae tank so that there is always a rotifer less than a body length in front of each larval fish.
This density can be reduced a lot once they learn how to hunt. Once you can see them curling their tail and lunging forward you know they have learned to hunt and you can thin out the rotifer density.


I have a pair of clown fish that have been laying eggs for two years. Will any of these ever make it if i do nothing like i have been. As you can see im not that interested in raising little ones. If chance will work cool if not im fine with that.

bang guy

Originally Posted by fatty0981
I have a pair of clown fish that have been laying eggs for two years. Will any of these ever make it if i do nothing like i have been. As you can see im not that interested in raising little ones. If chance will work cool if not im fine with that.

I don't see how any could survive with all the pumps and filters and lack of zooplankton.