Ethnicity in the hobby?


Originally Posted by premilove
ME NEITHER! i think my mom just got mad that spend 75% of my paycheck on my tanks! Now when you say Indian, do you mean Native American?
Was I politically incorrect? My apologies, I certainly didn't mean to be. Yes, I meant Native American, not from India.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I LOVE this song!!! I always have. I don't like much country music but this is one of the few exceptions. Don't take the girl makes me tear every darn time!
What about the new Kenny Chesney one about the 100 year old guy and how "dont blink" or something like that


Active Member
I am pretty sure i posted this somewhere already, but im bored and i have nothing else to do. Calculus 2 is not too interesting at 1:45 in the morning..heres my cultural side!
Traditional Indian attire, worn to formal occasions mainly extremely cultural weddings..this is me, taken at a fashion show in central jersey.


Active Member
Back when my hair was long, before i donated it to locks of love. Picture also dates back to when I was a chubby wubby. 10-15 more pounds of bodyfat! FUN! I was on my way back from a wedding in newark, and i stopped by a local shisha(hookah) lounge..

and my tatt this was probably on this site numerous times


I remember the tattoo. Would you mind at all if I asked what the Indian attire represents? There must be a significance. I honestly only notice the "scarf" as something that is a bit different. I must be missing things. Tell us about it, if you don't mind.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I remember the tattoo. Would you mind at all if I asked what the Indian attire represents? There must be a significance. I honestly only notice the "scarf" as something that is a bit different. I must be missing things. Tell us about it, if you don't mind.
Not a problem.. The scarf is considered to be a type of Dhoti. Mainly, this style (the one I am wearing), called a Chunni, is just for fashion. The dhoti is considered formal wear all over the country. It is eminently acceptable wherever "formal wear" is bespoken or enjoined in India. Apart from all government and traditional family functions, the dhoti is also deemed acceptable at posh country clubs and at other establishments that enforce strict formal dress codes.(wikipedia).
What i am wearing on top, is called numerous things in different Indian/Pakistani languages. Known as, Salwar Kalmeez(can be confused with attire for women), Kurtas, and Jubbas. I read somewhere, the more decorated, and elegant your Kurta was, the higher Cast your family was. (makes sense, it was more expensive, so if you wear more expensive clothing, you obv had the money to afford it..) worn mainly to formal occasions, weddings, religious events --to these, just normal plain jubbas are worn, nothing too fancy unless you are attending a big religious holiday event..
man are these bad boys expensive. made from pure silk, they can cost up to 4000 bucks! its best if you know someone who is in contact with a designer, or someone who sells them locally etc..what ever I am wearing in those pictures were imported from india.


I am so incredibly sorry. I missed the first part of this that says that your family is from India. I feel like a complete jerk now. I caught the posts about "Indian", Native American, decent and shared my family history regarding Native Americans...


Active Member
god sep you're so rude i cant believe this i am leaving this site. JK lol come on now sep, this thread is all about sharing your ethnicity, so your jerkyness is justified


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil.guppy
woooooweeee ya'll are a nice group of guys
you can say that again !!!

i donate to locks of love too fixing to be my third time to cut it all off - its gonna feel so good to get the weight off my neck i can't wait


Originally Posted by premilove
god sep you're so rude i cant believe this i am leaving this site. JK lol come on now sep, this thread is all about sharing your ethnicity, so your jerkyness is justified

Alright, that makes me feel better now


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
you can say that again !!!

i donate to locks of love too fixing to be my third time to cut it all off - its gonna feel so good to get the weight off my neck i can't wait
yeah it feels great knowing that i donated my hair. after i found out my mom had a lump in her chest, i made a promise to god saying if she is ok i will donate my hair to locks of love. she turned out to be fine and snip snip! to tell you the truth, i miss my 14 inches of hair. it was so voluminous. i actually braided it for a week. i gota find those pictures..


Originally Posted by premilove
yeah it feels great knowing that i donated my hair. after i found out my mom had a lump in her chest, i made a promise to god saying if she is ok i will donate my hair to locks of love. she turned out to be fine and snip snip! to tell you the truth, i miss my 14 inches of hair. it was so voluminous. i actually braided it for a week. i gota find those pictures..
Yeah you do!!!


Active Member
ok so i came to a conclusion about those pictures. one of my x girlfriends has to have them and we are not on good terms..i have no clue how i am going to get them back. i can MAYBE persuade one of her friends to get them for me? i hope she hasnt deleted them..if i can remember my pw to an old email address i wouldnt have to go thru this headache. fun.
well ladies, i am off to calculus 2 which really means im gona go to bed. gn everyone!
when i wake up 2m i better see some responses about ppls ethnicity or else i will force my vicious pug after you all!

do not be fooled by the picture, he is a beast