Originally Posted by Johnic
I keep my salt levels at 1.17, will this hamper the performance of the skimmer.
you need to get high your salt level Lower than normal salinities will cause stress to the animals and are likely to result in reduced lifespan,also be a problem as the organism will have to work harder to maintain the correct concentrations.
about the skimmer it will work better with normal salinity, you can make a simple test when you get the skimmer try to skim with pure water without salt and you will see that the skimmer not skim.
about what chipmaker said: i think that with skimmer it's a maintenance and luck to this unit work all the time and alwayes there is maintenance that we need to care (even you buy a new car that cost a lot then skimmer there is wastage)and if you read in the -- so you find out a lot prblem to on the other good brand like :aqua ev , mrc ....
the bottom line it's a good skimmer and it will work