Even More ID Help


New Member
A few weeks agon I purchased these polyps from the LFS. Since then they have grown and multiplied, and there seems to be 2 distinct species that have developed on this rock.
The polyps in the lower left are larger, have more and longer tentacles, and a 'mouth' that is rectangular. The other type are on the upper right with the circular orange 'mouth'.
I'm kind of a nut about knowing exactly what I have in this tank - can anyone help me ID these?


Active Member
Larger ones look like brown button polyps to me. The smaller ones with the orange mouths are a type of zooanthid.


New Member
Thank you all for the info!
One of the things I like about this hobby is that it seems like every day is a new day for life in my tank. It's amazing how creatures seem to pop up out of nowhere.
Thanks again.
John B.