Online Poker is addictive although I never really got addicted but I played it a LOT. SOCOM for Playstation was my escape from reality every friday night me and my best bud that lives in FL go on and play till 2 in the morn. Now its COD4 online play is hooked but not addicted. Then there is this site SWF.. I can honestly say its addicting, I have to make sure I log on and keep up to date with all the new posts and ones I have subscribed too.
Then theres cocaine, crack, crystal meth... but Im not addicted to them its just something I do every now and then I can stop anytime I want, really, trust me, i can, believe it, I wouldnt lie, what reason would I have to lie, Im not in denial. FINE BE THAT WAY, MAYBE WE SHOULDNT BE FRIENDS ANY MORE, GOOD I WONT AND DONT CALL ME ANYMORE EITHER.....
LOL jk jk of course.... but I couldnt resist.
BTW Party Poker was a cool site thats the one I would always frequent the dot com one not the dot net one.