Ever been addicted to...

nano reefer

Active Member
runescape. i couldnt stop. i still play a little, but i am not an addict anymore. The playing comes and goes. one month i might play 5 hours total, but the next months 5 hrs a week.


Active Member
Im kinda addict to runescape now, but about 6 months ago I really was, they made to many updates and it took away from the game

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
Im kinda addict to runescape now, but about 6 months ago I really was, they made to many updates and it took away from the game
i like the updates. game is fair now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
i like the updates. game is fair now.
Ruined wild and trading


Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
BF2142 been around for 1 1/2 yrs ...
Seems a bit longer than that my friend - besides, before that I was playing Battlefield 2, and before that it was Battlefield 1942, not to mention Unreal Tournament 2004, 2003, and the original.

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
Ruined wild and trading
just wild. i never merchant anyway, so it dont affect trading 4 me.
Can you even fight in the wildy anymore? or just bounty hunter? i am a little confused about that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
just wild. i never merchant anyway, so it dont affect trading 4 me.
Can you even fight in the wildy anymore? or just bounty hunter? i am a little confused about that.
Ya you cant fite in wildy just in bounty hunter which is stupid.


Active Member
im addicted to SWF.com. i swear to god. if i cant get on i literally get all nervous, shakey, absent minded, and cranky. i am constantly looking for new proxies so i can get on at school. if someone is using the computer at home i pace outside the door and "accidently" walk in every 2 minutes to see if theyre really doing something important.
but i am easily addicted, so this addiction is sometimes sidetracked by other addictions, which makes me appear to have a life.

i was addicted to runescape for 2 years, thank god i got hacked.


I'm very addicted to a game called second life. This is a game that can make you loose your sense of reality real fast. In this game you can exchange US dollars for Lindens and buy stuff like cloths and houses and all kinds of stuff I have spent way to much money on this game in a matter of 2 months. This stuff I buy can never become reality, but I can't stop buying it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
What sites do you play Rylan?
I don't play, but I had a friend get into some financial trouble by playing with $$$ he couldn't afford to loose... then he lost it and tried playing more to win it back...


Active Member
Online Poker is addictive although I never really got addicted but I played it a LOT. SOCOM for Playstation was my escape from reality every friday night me and my best bud that lives in FL go on and play till 2 in the morn. Now its COD4 online play is unbelievable...im hooked but not addicted. Then there is this site SWF.. I can honestly say its addicting, I have to make sure I log on and keep up to date with all the new posts and ones I have subscribed too.
Then theres cocaine, crack, crystal meth... but Im not addicted to them its just something I do every now and then I can stop anytime I want, really, trust me, i can, believe it, I wouldnt lie, what reason would I have to lie, Im not in denial. FINE BE THAT WAY, MAYBE WE SHOULDNT BE FRIENDS ANY MORE, GOOD I WONT AND DONT CALL ME ANYMORE EITHER.....

LOL jk jk of course.... but I couldnt resist.
BTW Party Poker was a cool site thats the one I would always frequent the dot com one not the dot net one.


Originally Posted by bjoe23
Ruined wild and trading
I totally agree. I am one of the few players on there that is actually nice to noobs by sometimes giving them free money or items. I can no longer do that if it is worth more than 3,000gp and then I have to wait 15 mins between each trade. What's the point, something worth 3,000gp on this game is crap. I also made alot of money as a merchant selling bowstrings, arrows or lobsters, which is now also pointless. IMO they ruined the fun of the game with their lame updates.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
I totally agree. I am one of the few players on there that is actually nice to noobs by sometimes giving them free money or items. I can no longer do that if it is worth more than 3,000gp and then I have to wait 15 mins between each trade. What's the point, something worth 3,000gp on this game is crap. I also made alot of money as a merchant selling bowstrings, arrows or lobsters, which is now also pointless. IMO they ruined the fun of the game with their lame updates.

I agree.

jimmy 4

Ive been addicted to a lot of games...... Final Fantacy 7, Halo's, starcraft, diablo II, crackdown, and many more that i cant remember.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
I totally agree. I am one of the few players on there that is actually nice to noobs by sometimes giving them free money or items. I can no longer do that if it is worth more than 3,000gp and then I have to wait 15 mins between each trade. What's the point, something worth 3,000gp on this game is crap. I also made alot of money as a merchant selling bowstrings, arrows or lobsters, which is now also pointless. IMO they ruined the fun of the game with their lame updates.

About being nice to noobs....
.....Anyway, I USED to merch but they kill that, killed getting money by pking. My friend was going to give me something to borrow and couldnt even do that...Well at least there is a cool new update... Summoning... BTW im lvl 75... you guys?


On RS I am combat lvl 72(i think). I'm a lvl 76 ranger, but I am not a pure. I started out doing melee, then tried mage for awhile(i'm lvl 38) got bored with that and started ranging. My sn is yankeesgirll, if you want to add me although I'm not on too much these days.


Active Member
im on about every day or 2 for an hour. I have lvl 74 wc, 75 fm, 78 fletching, those are my best lvls