Ever hear of Peroxide use?


Active Member
Found these two threads, there are more links listed in them, about the use of peroxide to kill algae. Not a means of control as the tried and true methods of limiting nutrients are the only control, but a way to gain a foot hold on an algae attack while addressing the root causes of the problem. Worth noting IMO. Cannot verify any of the findings myself but again interesting information non-the-less.


I had heard about this in passing by a conversation that a few members were having before a reef club meeting. Might have to talk to them and see if any of them have personally used it. It's always nice to actually know someone who's tried a less than conventional method.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/386218/ever-hear-of-peroxide-use#post_3390982
I had heard about this in passing by a conversation that a few members were having before a reef club meeting. Might have to talk to them and see if any of them have personally used it. It's always nice to actually know someone who's tried a less than conventional method.
I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!! I read this the same place Henry did, and I am a VERY skeptical person
ALSO.....A lot of rock can NOT be removed to perform the treatment, and I wonder if it would be safe with ALL species...including seahorses


Active Member
I was interested in the targeted dosing of this. Seems there are a couple of options here.
1. Remove water from the tank to a point where the algae to be dosed is out of the water and you can put a couple of drops on it directly.
2. using a long dropper with water still in the tank cut off all circulation and place a couple of drops directly on the target.
I don't think that the "broadcast" dosing method seems necessary if you can do one of the two listed above.


Active Member
I use It to sterilize my bbs before feeding to my seahorse babies. lol I also use it to sterilize nets and tanks for fry.
I read somewhere - where lrg aquaculter facilities use it in there ponds to increase h2o and decrease algea.


Active Member
Well next we could use it on our fish and they could have really white teeth!
Cool though, that would rock if it works. Cause on my 24 I was having a prob with the hair algea and it would of been nice to have done something like this to help!


I want to say I read about it on a seahorse message board?
I also use it to sterilize my nets, tanks, and to keep my airlines clean.
Teresa, how are you using it for your bbs? What dilution?


Active Member
I didnt do it completely like the instructions I have seen lol but I use the 40 stenght from sallys. I just net my bbs, and pour the peroxide over them, then rinse with tap water. It helped a lot with the fry and scratching.


Active Member
I dont think I would pour it into a tank, but maybe talk to dan about it. When I pour it on the bbs, I rinse them good after.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/386218/ever-hear-of-peroxide-use#post_3391126
I dont think I would pour it into a tank, but maybe talk to dan about it. When I pour it on the bbs, I rinse them good after.
LOL...I would not pour it in either...BUT....I am having an issue....right now I am trying the lights out method and am doing ok
BUT....there are a couple of rocks that can come out and be dipped in the peroxide...IF IT IS safe to do with Seahorse rocks....LOL


Active Member
A local reefer here in town Dosed with H2O2 for awhile to control his hair and other forms of algae and had great success.
Basically if my memory serves me correct, Peroxide dosing is just as but not as dramatic as Vodka dosing, however, if overdosed it will kill off plant life, snails, shrimp and fish. Sea horses and pipe fish included. One does not just pour this toxic agent into the aquarium. With a syringe, apply over or in the algae over a span of 5 minutes. Waite 48 hours and reapply as needed.
60ml's of 3% and 15ml's of 9% of peroxide.(55gallon tank)
I did not take the time to read Henry's links but I'm sure they gave the recommended dosage amounts per % of H2O2.
Peroxide dosing can also be used as an Antibacterial agent for the fish in the aquarium but the stress on the fish may be to overwhelming to catch and treat. I would only recommend doing so in extreme emergencies and pending on condition of the fish. Peroxide can also be used to kill off Nitrifying bacteria but kills off good bacteria as well.
People have also used in substitute with bleaching a new/used tanks and equipment for aquariums, (hosing, pumps, sumps).
the good thing with H2O2 is it dilutes into water and Oxygen in the tank, but like stated above, will also kill if overdosed.
sorry so long and I hope that i didn't hijack the thread....