Ever left mild ich alone?


I have heard of people not treating a mild case of ich and it die off with time. Is this valid? I know ich will eventually spawn in the water column but if a fish shows little signs of effect from ich 2-3 spots over 4 days and still eating swimming actively, can it die-off before the fish. I have had ich before and it spread rapidly within a day or two. My royal gamma shows a spot or two then a couple of days later I might see another couple spots but the others are gone. Im pretty sure it's ich because I see him scratch time to time. opinions...


it's ich and if you have more fish maybe they are infect and you don't see it yet.
before it will explode treat the fish with hypo it's the best treatment for ich.
good luck


Ever heard of such a sublte case? When I had it before the fish where down on the bottom within 2 days after the fist visible spot. This is day 4 with a spot or two coming and going. I guess I will have to qt because of the coral; cleaner wont touch him yet. Oh well.. much fun... %-#$&-# parasites


Originally Posted by ddress007
Ever heard of such a sublte case? When I had it before the fish where down on the bottom within 2 days after the fist visible spot. This is day 4 with a spot or two coming and going. I guess I will have to qt because of the coral; cleaner wont touch him yet. Oh well.. much fun... %-#$&-# parasites
i have at the past the same with a tang the spot come and go and then one they they just come , it's hard to say but yes you need to Qt


Active Member
Well, have you found out what caused the ich? If you have found the problem and fixed it, the fish should be able to fight off the ich himself. However, if you have not found and fixed the problem, he is not going to fight off the ich.


Thanks for the reply. I think my six line is bossing him around. Today no signs of spots. Coming and going; is there some other type of reaction from fish stress that looks like ich? I'll check again when I get home.


Active Member
Yeah, I would suspect that that would be what is stressing him. Keep an eye on the fish and hopefully he will become a little more aggressive with the sixline. Does the gramma eat a lot or is it sparse?


He was eating alot more than the wrasse now it's the opposite. I see the gamma open-up his mouth at the wrasse but the wrasse acts clueless.


Active Member
My coral beauty had ich for about a month, about 20 spots, i fed garlic and it dissapeard, no ich since :jumping:


Active Member
Yeah, I always recommend garlic too.

I would keep monitoring the fish, use garlic in their food, and if he continues eating, he should be able to fight it off himself.


The thing is...he won't eat the food soaked in garlic, just the regular. However, the wrasse loves it. I have been adding directly with water change(dont know if it helps). Using kent brand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ddress007
He was eating alot more than the wrasse now it's the opposite. I see the gamma open-up his mouth at the wrasse but the wrasse acts clueless.
I had the exact same thing with my Royal Gramma and a Bi-color angel. My Royal Gramma even had the ICH and would knock it off himself every morning on the back side of the tank. He also had lymphocyctis which he was able to get rid of once the Bi-color was gone and I started using fresh garlic at every feeding. I'm sure ICH is present in my tank right now but it has not affected any of my fish since that time about 6 months ago when the Royal Gramma arrived.
I would hate to think that taking my advice might kill your fish, but your Royal sure does seem to be having the exact same issues mine had. None of my other fish ever showed signs of anything.


Active Member
we had same problem with our powder blue tang about a year ago, took him out did a fresh water dip (same temp and Ph) then Qt for 2 weeks. Clean and healthy after that. Had a temp spike that only effected him. Fixed the problem then put him back Worked very well


Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
... My Royal Gramma even had the ICH and would knock it off himself every morning on the back side of the tank...
Same here; not really sure how the ich doesn't spread, come and go, and not be detrimental.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ddress007
Same here; not really sure how the ich doesn't spread, come and go, and not be detrimental.
I think the reason the other fish do not get it is because they are not stressed. When these Royal Grammas get stressed they wakeup with ICH. The open mouth thing is exactly how mine was acting, by chance does the other fish circle him when he does it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ddress007
The thing is...he won't eat the food soaked in garlic, just the regular. However, the wrasse loves it. I have been adding directly with water change(dont know if it helps). Using kent brand.
i didint kno wut feeding garlic meant add first, so i actually fed the garlic (litterally put the garlic chunks into the tank) and i guess it worked wonders!! it even get my scooter blenny to start eating frozen food!


Active Member
I just take a shot glass filled half way with tank water then squash a peeled garlic clove into the glass. Swish the water around some then smash it a little more. Add the mysis, brine, flake, or Formula1 then let sit for about 10 minutes. Remove the large chunks of garlic and then use an eye dropper to add the food to the tank.


SO i understand the whole hypo/QT thing, but what gets the ICH out of the display tank if it has a long lifecycle? To many inverts/coral to hypo display...so whats up? DO i move eveything else out of my display & leave fish, then hypo? get a UV??